7 secrets of attraction, proven by science

Does not want those whom we choose, to choose not us. Fortunately, there are scientifically proven ways to please your woman.
The website proposes not to rely on luck and a little help destiny. So, you attractive if...
1. You wear red

The study, which was attended by representatives of Britain, China, Germany and the United States proved that most women are attracted to men dressed in red clothes. This color — since ancient times a sign of high status.
And Yes, when women wear red, that works too.
2. You have the right facial expression

In 2011, scientists conducted an experiment: a thousand people showed pictures of the opposite sex and asked to rate their attractiveness.
It turned out that menconsiderthe most attractive women who look happy, and least attractive — "proud".
Women , on the contrary, men who are liked the most. Relatively attractive to women were those whose face expressed shame. But men with happy faces they gave the low rating.
3. You gesticulate a lot

Scientists conducted the study, which analyzed 144 of the movie "speed Dating" (speed dating) and interviewed 3,000 users of Dating sites.
People who often changed position and actively gesticulating, was almost twice as attractivethan those who behaved awkward. And pictures of people in an open posture , with outstretched hands and wide-set legs got a much more higher ratingthan images of people in a static position.
4. You look into each other's eyes for 2 minutes

A long look in the eye can awaken in you a passion just a couple of minutes. Psychologist Joan Kellerman of the University of Massachusetts conducted a study in which 36 pairs not familiar with each other students of different genders had to look each other in the eye for at least 2 minutes.
The participants reported that they had felt to their partner a deep sympathy and affection. The researchers concluded that prolonged eye contact helps to establish a relationship and may even awaken the love to someone you have never seen.
5. You react to the attempts of the partner to attract your attention, and he responds to you the same

Psychologist John Gottman (John Gottman), after watching the spouses, can be almost 100% likely to predict they'll divorce or stay together. Gottman's 40 years of conducting research relations and said that the main secret — in the "return flow".
When one partner turns to the other with any remark: "I stood in this queue for an hour!", "Oh, look at that cat!", the second answer can range from "yeah" and "do not disturb" to the attentive, lively response. If the partner reacts full, "turns" to another, the couple is all right.
According to the research of Gottman, couples took "flow" in 87 % of cases. Those couples who responded to the replica partner, only 33% of the time, divorced for several years.
6. You have a dog

In this experiment hundreds of Israeli women invited me to read a few short descriptions of men. The heroes of the stories who had the dog, women are rated as far more suitable partners for long term relationships.
Researchers believe that the presence of the dog shows, do you know how to care for and take responsibility, and this is necessary in marriage quality.
7. You care about the environment

Serious attitude to the environment will help not only save the planet, but also to have a romantic relationship. A study by the University of Loyola showed that both men and women prefer for a long term relationship someone who buys "green" products. Those who buy expensive and luxurious things, are perceived as suitable only for the short novel.
Source Insider.pro, Business Insider
Photo preview New Line Cinema
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