10 healthy habits for the continuous development of intelligence

Our brain needs regular workouts not less than muscle.
Website learned 10 tips for developing mental abilities, which will help to improve memory and learn to control brain activity.
1. Watch. Close and thoughtful observation allows you to see what is not available to a cursory glance. You will not just watch, but to think, to analyze and to imagine what is hidden from the eye.
Start with this article, and you will like it.

2. Learn new ways. People who never stop learning, the brain easily learns new information. It becomes a habit and does not cause difficulties. Use every opportunity to learn from someone else's experience or to learn something new every day.
That's what good it can bring, for example, learning a foreign language.
3. Listen. Along with the sounds you passed through a part of the world. Feel free to eavesdrop on conversations of strangers on the street while walking. Someone else's opinion on various issues always leads to reflection.
If you prefer to walk with headphones, you often update your playlist, listen to different music.

4. Experiment. If you never leave the comfort zone and not move in new directions, you may miss something important that can change your life for the better. Begin to experiment with Hobbies, try to get interested in what ever before you are not attracted to.
This article will help you to finally get up courage and go to meet adventures.
5. Develop. Never stop there, go beyond. Set goals of completely different areas. Gradually it will become a habit and you will not be able to settle.
Here is a list of books that can change your Outlook.

6. Discuss. Share an idea that was hatched many years with a person with similar experience in practice. This will allow you to combine your knowledge and to get closer to the desired result.
7. Solve different tasks. Mind and body are one. If you are not okay with the first, punishment for the second. Spend at least 20 minutes a day pumping his brain.
Start now with the solutions to these riddles.

8. Meditate. Meditation will help you understand how restless your mind is. She will teach you to relax, bring thoughts in order and to guide them in the right direction.
This article will teach 6 super-efficient exercises that enlighten the mind.
9. Test their capabilities. Try to think outside the box. For any question look for all the possible answers, not just those that lie on the surface. Never dismissing the idea, if you just are unable to find a solution for it.
This test will help to determine if you possess non-standard, creative thinking.

10. Play mind. Use your mental ability, even if, at first glance, is not required. When you fantasize and create worlds in my head where everything is possible, you develop your brain. Including, if you want sparkling to joke and to laugh others is also a great workout for the gray matter.
The efficiency of these methods depends on the regularity of their use. But in any case should not overwork your brain. Just listen, observe and enjoy the world around you!
Photos on the preview Warner Bros Pictures
According to the materials of Cultura colectiva
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