It's just a three-point drive and getting rid of pain in sleep!
Today, almost one in three of us suffer from back pain. Modern medicine can solve many problems, but chronic back or joint pain cannot be cured medically.
Fortunately, traditional medicine, which includes ancient Chinese acupuncture, can help you with chronic back and leg pain.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, a failure in the circulation of energy leads to diseases of some organs. But this can be corrected by unlocking energy channels (meridians).
The creation of a continuous flow is achieved by stimulating specific points on the body. Depending on whether it is stimulated with needles or simply pressed and massaged, the method is called acupuncture (acupuncture) or acupressure.
If acupuncture requires extensive experience and a good knowledge base, then the technique of acupressure or massage, you can master yourself. You just need to know the points to be affected.
If your feet hurt in your joints, we'll show you a few dots. By massaging them, you can relieve the symptoms. With regular stimulation, you can even completely eliminate the pain.
The first point of GB29 is between the pelvis and the femur. Stimulation will relieve pain in the hip and joints in general.
In combination with the GB30 point, which is located just below and behind the buttocks, on the back of the pelvic bone, you will get rid of pain in the lower back, joints, hips and shoulders.
Point B54, which is under the knee, also helps with pain in the hips and lower back, but is more focused on relaxing the muscles.
Massage These Three Points Regularly and Forget About Pain!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112057-prosto-nazhmite-na-eti-3-tochki-i-izbavtes-ot-boli-v-spine
Fortunately, traditional medicine, which includes ancient Chinese acupuncture, can help you with chronic back and leg pain.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, a failure in the circulation of energy leads to diseases of some organs. But this can be corrected by unlocking energy channels (meridians).
The creation of a continuous flow is achieved by stimulating specific points on the body. Depending on whether it is stimulated with needles or simply pressed and massaged, the method is called acupuncture (acupuncture) or acupressure.
If acupuncture requires extensive experience and a good knowledge base, then the technique of acupressure or massage, you can master yourself. You just need to know the points to be affected.
If your feet hurt in your joints, we'll show you a few dots. By massaging them, you can relieve the symptoms. With regular stimulation, you can even completely eliminate the pain.
The first point of GB29 is between the pelvis and the femur. Stimulation will relieve pain in the hip and joints in general.
In combination with the GB30 point, which is located just below and behind the buttocks, on the back of the pelvic bone, you will get rid of pain in the lower back, joints, hips and shoulders.
Point B54, which is under the knee, also helps with pain in the hips and lower back, but is more focused on relaxing the muscles.
Massage These Three Points Regularly and Forget About Pain!
Source: online-detox.com/articles/112057-prosto-nazhmite-na-eti-3-tochki-i-izbavtes-ot-boli-v-spine