In developing a system for safe storage of hydrogen fuel
Master student of Tomsk Polytechnic University is establishing a secure system of storage of hydrogen fuel. In this system hydrogen is "wrapped" in carbon tablets, eliminating the risk of spontaneous explosion. Such hydrogen fuel cells, the Polytechnic plans to use in cars and unmanned aerial vehicles that would restrict carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
"Modern ecological situation confronts scientists with the task of developing new fuels. One such sustainable energy sources is hydrogen: using it we get only energy and clean water, without harmful emissions into the atmosphere, — says the author of the development, the undergraduate Department of technical physics, TPU Eugene Boretsky. — However, there is the problem of hydrogen storage: modern systems require storage at very high pressure about 150 atmospheres and low temperatures, which complicates their design. And since the hydrogen burns well, due to the large pressure the system becomes explosive." Polytechnic suggested the use of carbon to create a secure "packing" of hydrogen: carbon in conjunction with the stearate are pressed into tablets, then the tablets are fired and hardened. Of several tablets formed a fuel system that can be installed into a vehicle or drone. The system with high pressure hydrogen, which penetrates into the porous structure of the tablets and is connected with carbon. Installation for creating these fuel pellets have also been developed by the Polytechnic.
In the photo the structure of the carbon pill under a microscope As noted by Eugene Boretsky, cars that use hydrogen fuel, already exist in the world, but the cost of their fuel system is very high. The decision of the Polytechnic will cost several times cheaper. "Now foreign scientists to create these systems use large nanotubes, and carbon balls called fullerenes. They are several times more expensive than what we offer. We use technical carbon (Carbon black) mixed with Nickel stearate and sodium stearate, which allow to more efficiently store hydrogen. This decision has not yet been offered one," — says the developer. Work vehicles that use the system student of TPU, are like gasoline only fuel tank will need to be filled with hydrogen at special gas stations.The energy content of hydrogen is higher than gasoline: one liter of hydrogen replaces three liters of gasoline. By the standards of the International energy Agency lifecycle of this system is more than 500 times.According to the Polytechnic, the system prototype carbon fuels will be ready in 2017. In this study, the student received a grant under the program "UMNIK" Fund of assistance to development of small forms of enterprises in scientific-technical sphere. After creating the prototype developer will present it to producers. As noted by Eugene Boretsky, a number of investors have already expressed interest in the development. published
Source: www.energy-fresh.ru/news/?id=13810

"Modern ecological situation confronts scientists with the task of developing new fuels. One such sustainable energy sources is hydrogen: using it we get only energy and clean water, without harmful emissions into the atmosphere, — says the author of the development, the undergraduate Department of technical physics, TPU Eugene Boretsky. — However, there is the problem of hydrogen storage: modern systems require storage at very high pressure about 150 atmospheres and low temperatures, which complicates their design. And since the hydrogen burns well, due to the large pressure the system becomes explosive." Polytechnic suggested the use of carbon to create a secure "packing" of hydrogen: carbon in conjunction with the stearate are pressed into tablets, then the tablets are fired and hardened. Of several tablets formed a fuel system that can be installed into a vehicle or drone. The system with high pressure hydrogen, which penetrates into the porous structure of the tablets and is connected with carbon. Installation for creating these fuel pellets have also been developed by the Polytechnic.

In the photo the structure of the carbon pill under a microscope As noted by Eugene Boretsky, cars that use hydrogen fuel, already exist in the world, but the cost of their fuel system is very high. The decision of the Polytechnic will cost several times cheaper. "Now foreign scientists to create these systems use large nanotubes, and carbon balls called fullerenes. They are several times more expensive than what we offer. We use technical carbon (Carbon black) mixed with Nickel stearate and sodium stearate, which allow to more efficiently store hydrogen. This decision has not yet been offered one," — says the developer. Work vehicles that use the system student of TPU, are like gasoline only fuel tank will need to be filled with hydrogen at special gas stations.The energy content of hydrogen is higher than gasoline: one liter of hydrogen replaces three liters of gasoline. By the standards of the International energy Agency lifecycle of this system is more than 500 times.According to the Polytechnic, the system prototype carbon fuels will be ready in 2017. In this study, the student received a grant under the program "UMNIK" Fund of assistance to development of small forms of enterprises in scientific-technical sphere. After creating the prototype developer will present it to producers. As noted by Eugene Boretsky, a number of investors have already expressed interest in the development. published
Source: www.energy-fresh.ru/news/?id=13810
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