The capacity of wind power will reach to 2.1 TWh by 2030
According to the new report global wind energy Council (GWEC), vetrogeneratory power stations will reach the 2.1 TWh by 2030 can be up to 20% of total world vyrobotki of electricity.
In the GWEC report, which was published today, said that to realize the full potential of wind energy is required “political will for alignment of programs and legislation”.
It is noted that at the end of 2015 the total installed capacity of wind power was 433 GWh, which is about 7% of the world electricity production.
About 1.1 million people were employed in the wind industry at the end of last year and this figure could grow to 2.4 million by 2030, the report said.
The share of China accounts 145ГВт installed capacity at the end of 2015, while the share of Europe in total 147,7 GW.
By 2030 wind capacity of China can grow up to 666,5 GW US — GW 414, Europe — 399 GW and India over 163 GW, the report says GWEC.
The total capacity of offshore wind farms has increased from 12 GW to 3.4 GW in 2015.
It was also said that last year the wind industry has invested nearly 110 billion b euros, more than half of the 67 billion – in emerging economies.
GWEC Secretary General Steve Sawyer said: “Wind power is the most promising option for building of new capacities ".
“If the goal of the Paris agreement will be reached, the fossil-fuel power stations will be closed and they will be replaced by wind, solar, hydro, geothermal energy and energy of biomass.
“This will be the hardest part, and the governments will have to work hard if they want to fulfill their obligations.” published
Source: renews.biz/104590/wind-could-reach-21tw-by-2030/
In the GWEC report, which was published today, said that to realize the full potential of wind energy is required “political will for alignment of programs and legislation”.

It is noted that at the end of 2015 the total installed capacity of wind power was 433 GWh, which is about 7% of the world electricity production.
About 1.1 million people were employed in the wind industry at the end of last year and this figure could grow to 2.4 million by 2030, the report said.
The share of China accounts 145ГВт installed capacity at the end of 2015, while the share of Europe in total 147,7 GW.

By 2030 wind capacity of China can grow up to 666,5 GW US — GW 414, Europe — 399 GW and India over 163 GW, the report says GWEC.
The total capacity of offshore wind farms has increased from 12 GW to 3.4 GW in 2015.
It was also said that last year the wind industry has invested nearly 110 billion b euros, more than half of the 67 billion – in emerging economies.
GWEC Secretary General Steve Sawyer said: “Wind power is the most promising option for building of new capacities ".
“If the goal of the Paris agreement will be reached, the fossil-fuel power stations will be closed and they will be replaced by wind, solar, hydro, geothermal energy and energy of biomass.
“This will be the hardest part, and the governments will have to work hard if they want to fulfill their obligations.” published
Source: renews.biz/104590/wind-could-reach-21tw-by-2030/