Renewable energy - the biggest part of the electricity Scotland

According to отчёту British government in Scotland share of electricity from renewable sources, significantly exceeded the share generated by nuclear and thermal power plants of the country alone.
Over the past six months, hydro and wind power plants produced 10.3 tVt⋅ch electricity, while the rate of atomic eletkrostantsy for the same period was 7.3 tVt⋅ch. The total value of thermal power plants for solid and liquid fuel was the least: 5.6 tVt⋅ch developed coal, gas - 1.4 tVt⋅ch.
Thus, we can conclude that a large proportion of electricity in Scotland is not only renewable, giving clear benefits in economic terms, but also environmentally friendly.
It should be noted that due to the fortunate position of Scotland, in the future, the greatest attention was planning to remove wind power - in the arsenal of the country has both terrestrial and marine stations. Also make a contribution and smaller, but still significant wave and tidal eletkrostantsii. Moreover, if in 2011 the authorities possessed only 7 GW complex on the "green" energy, the increase to 10.3 tVt⋅ch 3 years can be considered very significant.

The wave power "Oyster" in the Orkney Islands of Scotland. I>
Do not be amiss to mention the fact that renewable energy - not a tribute to the environment, although this problem is solved as if by itself. In this area will be 11,000 new jobs and investment will amount to 2.3 billion next year.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242148/