"I am poor and ugly. Looking for a complete contrast": the announcement of the familiarity of the 19th century
Sixty three million two hundred fifty six thousand five hundred sixty four
The world's first Dating Agency appeared September 29, 1650 in London. And in 1695, in the collection "How to improve the economy and trade" published the wedding announcement. The name of the collection is irrelevant to the topic at first glance: at that time the matchmaker and other marital mediators were more in the role of facilitators of the merging of capital, helping to enter into mutually beneficial transactions.
Site publishes fun and exciting material the online journal "Cultural studies" about marriage announcements regarding recent past.
Eighty eight million three hundred eighty thousand nine hundred seventy five
The source of the photos: Kulturologia.ruA good marriage was often the only means to increase state or be saved from ruin. Therefore, in the wedding announcements, be sure to have provided data on income and dowry.
Fifteen million nine hundred fifteen thousand seven hundred seventy four
Seventy one million nine thousand six hundred forty
Nineteen million nineteen thousand four hundred twenty seven
Seventy seven million two hundred ninety two thousand two hundred fifty six
Twenty six million five hundred eight thousand six hundred twenty nine
Thirty one million seven hundred twenty five thousand nine hundred sixty five
Twenty two million five hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred forty eight
However, not only upscale gentlemen allowed themselves to advertise the search for a rich bride. Impoverished military in the Russian Newspapers of the late XIX — early XX centuries without hesitation said:
Seventy four million nine hundred thirty nine thousand one hundred three
Eighty six million six hundred thirty six thousand eight hundred eighteen
Ninety nine million eight hundred eighty seven thousand two hundred four
Eight million eight hundred fifteen thousand one hundred eleven
Men expertly promoted his dignity:
Twenty three million one hundred sixty seven thousand eight hundred four
Thirty nine million four hundred eighty one thousand five hundred ninety eight
About the shortcomings also said directly:
Fifty million two hundred twenty seven thousand seven hundred nineteen
Thirty nine million one hundred fifty six thousand thirteen
Ninety seven million three hundred seventy two thousand one hundred one
Some dealers openly offered a win-win deal:
Forty three million seven hundred sixty six thousand four hundred sixty
One million six hundred fifty six thousand four hundred sixty
Thirty seven million six hundred forty thousand seven hundred eighty six
In the German editions of the XIX century, also published a similar announcement:
Seven million two hundred seventy one thousand one hundred seventy six
Sixty eight million three hundred sixty five thousand five hundred twenty one
Fifty four million six hundred thirty two thousand five hundred thirty nine
Sometimes commercial offers men hiding under a romantic twist:
Eight million two hundred thirty two thousand nine hundred eleven
Ninety five million two hundred forty two thousand nine hundred fifty nine
Women are not behind men in candor:
Fifty seven million two hundred seventeen thousand six hundred twenty five
Eighty four million one hundred forty three thousand four hundred six
Fifty million four hundred sixty two thousand nine hundred eighty seven
Fifty six million four hundred eighty seven thousand twenty
Sixty five million ninety eight thousand five hundred seventeen
via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/290916/31557/
The world's first Dating Agency appeared September 29, 1650 in London. And in 1695, in the collection "How to improve the economy and trade" published the wedding announcement. The name of the collection is irrelevant to the topic at first glance: at that time the matchmaker and other marital mediators were more in the role of facilitators of the merging of capital, helping to enter into mutually beneficial transactions.
Site publishes fun and exciting material the online journal "Cultural studies" about marriage announcements regarding recent past.
Eighty eight million three hundred eighty thousand nine hundred seventy five
The source of the photos: Kulturologia.ruA good marriage was often the only means to increase state or be saved from ruin. Therefore, in the wedding announcements, be sure to have provided data on income and dowry.
Fifteen million nine hundred fifteen thousand seven hundred seventy four
Seventy one million nine thousand six hundred forty
Nineteen million nineteen thousand four hundred twenty seven
Seventy seven million two hundred ninety two thousand two hundred fifty six
Twenty six million five hundred eight thousand six hundred twenty nine
Thirty one million seven hundred twenty five thousand nine hundred sixty five
Twenty two million five hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred forty eight
However, not only upscale gentlemen allowed themselves to advertise the search for a rich bride. Impoverished military in the Russian Newspapers of the late XIX — early XX centuries without hesitation said:
Seventy four million nine hundred thirty nine thousand one hundred three
Eighty six million six hundred thirty six thousand eight hundred eighteen
Ninety nine million eight hundred eighty seven thousand two hundred four
Eight million eight hundred fifteen thousand one hundred eleven
Men expertly promoted his dignity:
Twenty three million one hundred sixty seven thousand eight hundred four
Thirty nine million four hundred eighty one thousand five hundred ninety eight
About the shortcomings also said directly:
Fifty million two hundred twenty seven thousand seven hundred nineteen
Thirty nine million one hundred fifty six thousand thirteen
Ninety seven million three hundred seventy two thousand one hundred one
Some dealers openly offered a win-win deal:
Forty three million seven hundred sixty six thousand four hundred sixty
One million six hundred fifty six thousand four hundred sixty
Thirty seven million six hundred forty thousand seven hundred eighty six
In the German editions of the XIX century, also published a similar announcement:
Seven million two hundred seventy one thousand one hundred seventy six
Sixty eight million three hundred sixty five thousand five hundred twenty one
Fifty four million six hundred thirty two thousand five hundred thirty nine
Sometimes commercial offers men hiding under a romantic twist:
Eight million two hundred thirty two thousand nine hundred eleven
Ninety five million two hundred forty two thousand nine hundred fifty nine
Women are not behind men in candor:
Fifty seven million two hundred seventeen thousand six hundred twenty five
Eighty four million one hundred forty three thousand four hundred six
Fifty million four hundred sixty two thousand nine hundred eighty seven
Fifty six million four hundred eighty seven thousand twenty
Sixty five million ninety eight thousand five hundred seventeen
via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/290916/31557/
The girl tried to weigh in the store Bologan. The visitor from the queue came up with a good idea
Carl Jung on midlife crisis — a period of profound and amazing changes of the soul