Here is the happiest city on the planet

Each of us probably dreamed to be in a Land where all, or almost all, people live great.
Website hurry to please you: this city is! And it is not only the happiest, but very beautiful.

Is Seoul the capital of South Korea, which is recognized as the happiest city in the world. Here the lowest rate of inequality in terms of income, and minimum level of crime, and residents are a healthy lot.
Here to such conclusion the design and consulting firm Arcadis, which ranked the 100 largest cities in the world to find out who it is best to live.

This is one of the few cities in which a local resident, a foreigner feel safe at any time of the day or night. While Seoul's population is 10 million people.

The South Korean government cares about the health and education of citizens. High performance in these social areas, and allowed Seoul to come out on top in the world among other cities.

Recently, the Seoul gradually began to become a "smart city". For example, citizens with low incomes began to hand out free b/smart device to connect to wireless broadband networks in the city.

Here are installed everywhere, intelligent cameras and high-tech streetlights, which transmit audio and allow you to access the Internet.

I guess I now know where to go in your next vacation.
Source businessinsider
Photos on the preview Nyker_depositphotos,
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