10 worthy films, unjustly deprived of attention
Fifty eight million five hundred forty two thousand five hundred sixty two
It happens that even a very decent picture with excellent reviews from critics, the audience somehow ignored by. Site have compiled 10 such films — they all came out relatively recently and maybe some of them you haven't heard.
Gift The Gift
Thirty nine million ninety nine thousand five hundred nineteen
In the life of Simon bursts into the man from the distant past — his former classmate Proudly: friendly, a bit clumsy, perceptive, albeit with large eccentricities. Before we met, Simon and his young wife Robin thought my life was perfect, but they do not suspect that Gordo was going, really...
The girl without complexes Trainwreck
Eight million four hundred ninety four thousand four hundred twenty one
Cute girls Amy never had a serious relationship. She has a liberal mind and doesn't walk out with the same guy more than twice. Being an employee of a major men's magazines, Amy gets the job from the chief to write an article about a sports doctor Aaron. Who would have thought that the meeting with the doctor will change the lives of flappers.
Due West Slow West
Twelve million nine hundred eighty eight thousand five hundred five
The story of an adventurer Silas to accompany a dangerous journey along the American border, 16-year-old boy named Jay Cavendish. Jay is looking for a girl in love with. Silas and Jay crossed paths accidentally, like a lone wolf, stray from the wolf pack, and rabbit caught in a wolf den. Silas could give the guy to die, but instead became its conductor.
Rootless beasts Beasts of No Nation
Twelve million one hundred seventy three thousand seventy nine
The film tells the story of a young boy named AGU, who is a civil war in West Africa was separated from her mother and a younger sister, quickly and swiftly killing the father, older brother, grandfather, and eventually brought to the ruthless Commander of fanatical. This film is worth seeing in order to understand: we live in a quiet and peaceful place.
Lobster The Lobster
Fifty two million four hundred sixty seven thousand four hundred seventy seven
The film is set in the future where you're not allowed to be alone. The main character is in a creepy hotel where he has 45 days to find a mate, otherwise it will turn into an animal of his choice — in the lobster. Failed attempt to build a relationship, he escapes from the hotel and this time meets a woman falls in love. How strong will be this love?
Victoria Victoria
Ninety two million five hundred sixteen thousand sixteen
Victoria is a Spanish girl who lives in Berlin. Once at the exit of the club, she meets four guys: Sonne, Boxer, Blinker and Fucom. The boys promise to show her "the real Berlin". But it goes beyond that. It turns out that guys need to deal with the old debt, and since one of them too drunk, they are asking Victoria to be a driver.
Killer Sicario
Seventeen million one hundred ninety two thousand two hundred twenty
One day, FBI agent Kate Mayer a chance to participate in the work of an elite unit of counter-narcotics. The most mysterious member of the team consultant, a man without a name, habits, and without a past. His true face is only revealed in the course of risky operations, during which Kate will be forced to compromise their principles to stay alive.
Me, Earl and the dying girl Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
Seventy six million four hundred sixty nine thousand two hundred forty nine
Greg is a teen who enjoys posing and takes home movies. He has no friends except Earl who shared his interests. At the request of his mom, Greg begins to closely interact with a classmate, Rachel, who was found leukemia. Over time, these two become indispensable for each other, and Greg is doing all it can to support a dying girl.
Dope Dope
Fifty five million eight hundred twenty three thousand four hundred forty five
Malcolm finishes high school. He's a straight-a student, which under the force of any object. The guy wants to go to Harvard and confident in their own success, both academic and financial. But there is one obstacle. The fact that Malcolm was a poor black kid from a tough neighborhood of Los Angeles, escape from not so simple.
Stolen date Man Up
Eighty three million seven hundred five thousand six hundred fifty one
The main character Nancy the error falls on someone else's blind date with a man named Jack. He takes her for Jessica, which was supposed to meet, and Nancy finds the strength to argue, because new friend is so similar to the man of her dreams. They perfectly spend time together, but what happens when Jack discovers his mistake?
Photo preview Universal Pictures
According to the IMDb
See also
20 films for those who want to change everything
10 films about the secret meaning of which you had no idea
Touching cartoon that fulfilled the most cherished desire
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/trogatelnyj-multik-o-tom-chto-sbyvayutsya-samye-zavetnye-zhelaniya-1361515/
It happens that even a very decent picture with excellent reviews from critics, the audience somehow ignored by. Site have compiled 10 such films — they all came out relatively recently and maybe some of them you haven't heard.
Gift The Gift
Thirty nine million ninety nine thousand five hundred nineteen
In the life of Simon bursts into the man from the distant past — his former classmate Proudly: friendly, a bit clumsy, perceptive, albeit with large eccentricities. Before we met, Simon and his young wife Robin thought my life was perfect, but they do not suspect that Gordo was going, really...
The girl without complexes Trainwreck
Eight million four hundred ninety four thousand four hundred twenty one
Cute girls Amy never had a serious relationship. She has a liberal mind and doesn't walk out with the same guy more than twice. Being an employee of a major men's magazines, Amy gets the job from the chief to write an article about a sports doctor Aaron. Who would have thought that the meeting with the doctor will change the lives of flappers.
Due West Slow West
Twelve million nine hundred eighty eight thousand five hundred five
The story of an adventurer Silas to accompany a dangerous journey along the American border, 16-year-old boy named Jay Cavendish. Jay is looking for a girl in love with. Silas and Jay crossed paths accidentally, like a lone wolf, stray from the wolf pack, and rabbit caught in a wolf den. Silas could give the guy to die, but instead became its conductor.
Rootless beasts Beasts of No Nation
Twelve million one hundred seventy three thousand seventy nine
The film tells the story of a young boy named AGU, who is a civil war in West Africa was separated from her mother and a younger sister, quickly and swiftly killing the father, older brother, grandfather, and eventually brought to the ruthless Commander of fanatical. This film is worth seeing in order to understand: we live in a quiet and peaceful place.
Lobster The Lobster
Fifty two million four hundred sixty seven thousand four hundred seventy seven
The film is set in the future where you're not allowed to be alone. The main character is in a creepy hotel where he has 45 days to find a mate, otherwise it will turn into an animal of his choice — in the lobster. Failed attempt to build a relationship, he escapes from the hotel and this time meets a woman falls in love. How strong will be this love?
Victoria Victoria
Ninety two million five hundred sixteen thousand sixteen
Victoria is a Spanish girl who lives in Berlin. Once at the exit of the club, she meets four guys: Sonne, Boxer, Blinker and Fucom. The boys promise to show her "the real Berlin". But it goes beyond that. It turns out that guys need to deal with the old debt, and since one of them too drunk, they are asking Victoria to be a driver.
Killer Sicario
Seventeen million one hundred ninety two thousand two hundred twenty
One day, FBI agent Kate Mayer a chance to participate in the work of an elite unit of counter-narcotics. The most mysterious member of the team consultant, a man without a name, habits, and without a past. His true face is only revealed in the course of risky operations, during which Kate will be forced to compromise their principles to stay alive.
Me, Earl and the dying girl Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
Seventy six million four hundred sixty nine thousand two hundred forty nine
Greg is a teen who enjoys posing and takes home movies. He has no friends except Earl who shared his interests. At the request of his mom, Greg begins to closely interact with a classmate, Rachel, who was found leukemia. Over time, these two become indispensable for each other, and Greg is doing all it can to support a dying girl.
Dope Dope
Fifty five million eight hundred twenty three thousand four hundred forty five
Malcolm finishes high school. He's a straight-a student, which under the force of any object. The guy wants to go to Harvard and confident in their own success, both academic and financial. But there is one obstacle. The fact that Malcolm was a poor black kid from a tough neighborhood of Los Angeles, escape from not so simple.
Stolen date Man Up
Eighty three million seven hundred five thousand six hundred fifty one
The main character Nancy the error falls on someone else's blind date with a man named Jack. He takes her for Jessica, which was supposed to meet, and Nancy finds the strength to argue, because new friend is so similar to the man of her dreams. They perfectly spend time together, but what happens when Jack discovers his mistake?
Photo preview Universal Pictures
According to the IMDb
See also
20 films for those who want to change everything
10 films about the secret meaning of which you had no idea
Touching cartoon that fulfilled the most cherished desire
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/trogatelnyj-multik-o-tom-chto-sbyvayutsya-samye-zavetnye-zhelaniya-1361515/
One dad found the coolest way to entertain the kids and make the world a little brighter
15 photos of a model dressed in light and shadow