15 Disney characters, which were copied from Hollywood actors
Sixty one million nine hundred seventy nine thousand two hundred twenty six
Disney characters are sometimes strongly reminiscent of Hollywood stars. This is no coincidence. First approved by the voice of the character, then the artists create funny image and appearance of the actors becomes a concept in the creative process. Celebrity voiced characters, the filmmakers give toon demeanor and recognizable charisma.
Team Website many options surprised, and so came the new selection, in which reality and imagination are reversed.
David Schwimmer — Melman (Madagascar)
Justin Timberlake — Prince Artie ("Shrek The Third")
Angelina Jolie — Master Tigress ("Kung fu Panda")
Hugh Jackman — Roddy ("Dash")
Reese Witherspoon — Susan Murphy ("Monsters vs. aliens")
Antonio Banderas — puss in boots ("puss in boots")
Will Ferrell — Megamind ("Megamind")
Eddie Murphy — Donkey ("Shrek")
Gary Oldman — General Growl ("Planet 51")
Jackie Chan — Master Monkey (, "Kung fu Panda")
Tom Hanks — Sheriff woody ("toy Story")
Dustin Hoffman — Shifu ("Kung fu Panda")
Brad Pitt — Metroman ("Megamind")
Angelina Jolie — Lola ("shark tale")
Zach Braff — Chicken Little ("Chicken Little")
Kevin HART — Snow ("the secret life of Pets)
Photos on the preview wikifur, Walt Disney Pictures
See also
15 actors, which sketched cartoon characters
So who sketched disney characters
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/tak-vot-s-kogo-srisovali-disneevskih-personazhej-879710/
Disney characters are sometimes strongly reminiscent of Hollywood stars. This is no coincidence. First approved by the voice of the character, then the artists create funny image and appearance of the actors becomes a concept in the creative process. Celebrity voiced characters, the filmmakers give toon demeanor and recognizable charisma.
Team Website many options surprised, and so came the new selection, in which reality and imagination are reversed.
David Schwimmer — Melman (Madagascar)

Justin Timberlake — Prince Artie ("Shrek The Third")

Angelina Jolie — Master Tigress ("Kung fu Panda")

Hugh Jackman — Roddy ("Dash")

Reese Witherspoon — Susan Murphy ("Monsters vs. aliens")

Antonio Banderas — puss in boots ("puss in boots")

Will Ferrell — Megamind ("Megamind")

Eddie Murphy — Donkey ("Shrek")

Gary Oldman — General Growl ("Planet 51")

Jackie Chan — Master Monkey (, "Kung fu Panda")

Tom Hanks — Sheriff woody ("toy Story")

Dustin Hoffman — Shifu ("Kung fu Panda")

Brad Pitt — Metroman ("Megamind")

Angelina Jolie — Lola ("shark tale")

Zach Braff — Chicken Little ("Chicken Little")

Kevin HART — Snow ("the secret life of Pets)

Photos on the preview wikifur, Walt Disney Pictures
See also
15 actors, which sketched cartoon characters
So who sketched disney characters
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/tak-vot-s-kogo-srisovali-disneevskih-personazhej-879710/
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