A prototype ultra-slim dynamics created by a student of the British College

Student from Germany, student at London College Royal College of Art, recently surprised the world with a prototype, perhaps, the most thin of the existing speakers. It is not excluded that this development in the foreseeable future will begin to match the latest electronic gadgets. Besides, the new technology can be implemented in a standalone product.

"My work in this project began with extensive study of the life cycle custom elettronici" – says industrial designer Hannes harms (Hannes Harms). This study led to the design and manufacture of fixtures created from printed flat components. On a flat metal base with a thickness of just 0.5 mm is fixed even more subtle, in fact, a translucent element, performing the role of speaker. The design of the device also provides battery flat.

The idea originally underlying the development is the optimization of the transportation process: the subtle dynamics you can even send in envelopes, after which the metal base is bent at the scribed lines. Besides, it is easy to imagine other applications for this unique prototype.
Source: /users/78
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