Inflatable mini-water Park Sports Park 60
Twenty million nine hundred twenty thousand four hundred fifty one
In summer, people EN masse are striving for a while to get to the sea to fry in the sun, or on a lake to relax closer to nature, but not everyone is able to have a holiday outside the city. More than others about this experience children who for a year waiting for the summer for the sake of vivid impressions. The German company Wibit figured out how to arrange exciting holidays for kids and their parents, without having to go far from the city. All you need is a small pond and an inflatable mini-water Park, Sports Park 60.
Developed company Wibit mini-water Park Sports Park 60 is a mobile Playground, which can simultaneously accommodate up to 60 people, both kids and adults. To call it compact, however, is impossible: this design weighs more than 1.5 tonnes, its dimensions are 40 x 32 x 4.3 metres and the minimum depth for the installation site shall be not less than 3 meters.
Along the perimeter of the Park there are more than 20 game points, where you can find entertainment for every taste. So, children and adults can jump on the trampoline or from a springboard, to move down from slides, to overcome inflatable obstacles, to walk on the improvised podium, and tries to toss into the air one who walks on it, wrestle on a rubber Mat and find new adventures that end the same way — by falling or jumping into the water. Those who like long quests, mini-water Park Sports Park 60 offers to walk around the perimeter all game point, to overcome all obstacles and come out unscathed. If possible.
It is known that recently, at the end of June 2012, the first such mini-water Park Sports Park 60 mounted near Montreal, the water Park called Super Aqua Club.
Source: /users/78
In summer, people EN masse are striving for a while to get to the sea to fry in the sun, or on a lake to relax closer to nature, but not everyone is able to have a holiday outside the city. More than others about this experience children who for a year waiting for the summer for the sake of vivid impressions. The German company Wibit figured out how to arrange exciting holidays for kids and their parents, without having to go far from the city. All you need is a small pond and an inflatable mini-water Park, Sports Park 60.
Developed company Wibit mini-water Park Sports Park 60 is a mobile Playground, which can simultaneously accommodate up to 60 people, both kids and adults. To call it compact, however, is impossible: this design weighs more than 1.5 tonnes, its dimensions are 40 x 32 x 4.3 metres and the minimum depth for the installation site shall be not less than 3 meters.

Along the perimeter of the Park there are more than 20 game points, where you can find entertainment for every taste. So, children and adults can jump on the trampoline or from a springboard, to move down from slides, to overcome inflatable obstacles, to walk on the improvised podium, and tries to toss into the air one who walks on it, wrestle on a rubber Mat and find new adventures that end the same way — by falling or jumping into the water. Those who like long quests, mini-water Park Sports Park 60 offers to walk around the perimeter all game point, to overcome all obstacles and come out unscathed. If possible.

It is known that recently, at the end of June 2012, the first such mini-water Park Sports Park 60 mounted near Montreal, the water Park called Super Aqua Club.

Source: /users/78