Installation Umbrella Sky

Often umbrellas get very interesting installation, and we did one of the most original art projects from this category. However, the more unusual the better, and it is necessary to mention bright installations adorning the streets of the Portuguese city of Agueda. Umbrellas, umbrellas everywhere!
The spectacular colors, hovering over the heads of passers-by in the form of colorful domes of different sizes and colors, can be called the festival of Portuguese umbrellas, but the people art project is known as romantic and tender called Umbrella Sky. That, however, much more is true, because from the street, protected from rain and sun umbrellas bright, the sky is almost not visible, only small patches of blue showing through between them.

Umbrella Sky installation was made possible due to the fact that this street Agueda narrow and quiet, and for the authors of the project was not too difficult to stretch between the houses of the wire and attach it to her many umbrellas. And the additional art-an effect that can be observed on the pavement is an interesting pattern that turns out a Sunny day out of the shadows from open umbrellas.
Source: /users/78
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