Stylish "boutique on wheels": the new shopping trend
Thirty seven million six hundred eleven thousand six hundred thirty five
Fashion is able to get on the street in different ways. Often there "tolerate" people with good taste who know how to adapt the hottest trends from catwalks to the rhythm of urban life and the purchasing ability of the average citizens. And sometimes take her cute retro trucks, where you can buy very stylish favors at affordable prices. The original way of shopping offer in America.
Ninety five million six hundred thirty one thousand seven hundred forty two
In a country where you can buy almost anything 24 hours a day, you need to make an effort to win the attention and stable love buyers. It is not enough just to sell something, you need to sell this is interesting. And now, in the era of hypermarkets and huge shopping centers in the US appeared cute retro vans designer clothing.
Fifty seven million fifteen thousand twenty three
For example, a successful new York designer Joe Wolfer (Joey Wolffer), the founder of fashion brand Styleliner, recently purchased an old grocery van and with the help of a good tuning turned it into a cute boutique on wheels. Van attracts attention on the streets of its stylish coloring, but inside customers are expected for a cozy and "girlish" interior of the small shop. However, inside the Styleliner and can be no more than five people at a time. But this does not prevent Joe selling unique jewelry, leather goods and vintage scarves not only in his native new York, but across the East coast.
Twenty three million six hundred fifty one thousand eight hundred two
Boutique on wheels Joe Wolffer not the only one of its kind. In a constant "shopping tour" across the expanses of the United States are also beads Fashion Truck, Haberdash Vintage (it often can be found in Boston), Bootleg (Ostin), JD Luxe (Los Angeles) and a few retro caravans. My movements they report on Twitter, so that loyal customers are always aware of when the original store will be in their city or even neighborhood. And recently popular chain stores current одеждыUrban Outfitters sent in flight, its first van. So we can safely talk about a new, escalating trend.
Forty one million nine hundred twenty six thousand eight hundred sixty six
Boutiques on wheels are wonderful option for an advertising campaign of fashion brand or chain stores. But that's how much they cost-effective for "permanent use" is a moot point. Young entrepreneurs may be great to save on rent, but then spend the savings on petrol and Parking.
Source: /users/78
Fashion is able to get on the street in different ways. Often there "tolerate" people with good taste who know how to adapt the hottest trends from catwalks to the rhythm of urban life and the purchasing ability of the average citizens. And sometimes take her cute retro trucks, where you can buy very stylish favors at affordable prices. The original way of shopping offer in America.
Ninety five million six hundred thirty one thousand seven hundred forty two
In a country where you can buy almost anything 24 hours a day, you need to make an effort to win the attention and stable love buyers. It is not enough just to sell something, you need to sell this is interesting. And now, in the era of hypermarkets and huge shopping centers in the US appeared cute retro vans designer clothing.
Fifty seven million fifteen thousand twenty three
For example, a successful new York designer Joe Wolfer (Joey Wolffer), the founder of fashion brand Styleliner, recently purchased an old grocery van and with the help of a good tuning turned it into a cute boutique on wheels. Van attracts attention on the streets of its stylish coloring, but inside customers are expected for a cozy and "girlish" interior of the small shop. However, inside the Styleliner and can be no more than five people at a time. But this does not prevent Joe selling unique jewelry, leather goods and vintage scarves not only in his native new York, but across the East coast.
Twenty three million six hundred fifty one thousand eight hundred two
Boutique on wheels Joe Wolffer not the only one of its kind. In a constant "shopping tour" across the expanses of the United States are also beads Fashion Truck, Haberdash Vintage (it often can be found in Boston), Bootleg (Ostin), JD Luxe (Los Angeles) and a few retro caravans. My movements they report on Twitter, so that loyal customers are always aware of when the original store will be in their city or even neighborhood. And recently popular chain stores current одеждыUrban Outfitters sent in flight, its first van. So we can safely talk about a new, escalating trend.
Forty one million nine hundred twenty six thousand eight hundred sixty six
Boutiques on wheels are wonderful option for an advertising campaign of fashion brand or chain stores. But that's how much they cost-effective for "permanent use" is a moot point. Young entrepreneurs may be great to save on rent, but then spend the savings on petrol and Parking.
Source: /users/78
Racer is not needed. Drag racing in autopilot
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