Stone therapy
Stone therapy is an ancient method of treatment using massage with hot stones. Harmonious use of various massage techniques and hot stones promotes deep relaxation of the whole body, stimulates the flow of positive energy and leads to a state of harmony and peace. Relaxing massage with hot stones guarantees countless options for positive impact on all levels – physical and emotional: stimulates the nervous and immune system; helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system; improves metabolism; helps in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, depression; relieves headaches.
Stone therapy is based on the temperature and energy impact of stones combined with elements of reflexology. For this purpose 54 black hot and 18 white cold stones, which during the procedure alternate. Plus need another pebble at room temperature. Stone therapy session is held in a relaxed setting of soft light and delicate flavors. The man lies on the couch, and slowly begin to relax or the touch stones, or specifically laying them along the spine, alternating in a special way.
Before the session the patient's skin is applied aromatic oils, and then transferred to the stones. Stones of different sizes are arranged on the active points of the body: from the toes to the eyes. The remaining free surface of the stones massage. First, it is a regular massage, then the actual massage stones heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. Hot stones relieve chronic back pain and neck, help to relax the muscles and get rid of toxins, relieve stress. The temperature of the stones passed through the human body conduction.
The longer the exposure, the deeper the heat penetrates into muscle tissue. Heat can penetrate to a depth of 4 see the session Duration is from 45 minutes to a half hour. The massage is performed with stones of volcanic rocks, which were formed on the slopes of active volcanoes and slowly cooled. These rocks contain a number of useful micro - and macronutrients, magnesium, iron. They have the ability for a long time to keep warm.
Source: /users/117
Stone therapy is based on the temperature and energy impact of stones combined with elements of reflexology. For this purpose 54 black hot and 18 white cold stones, which during the procedure alternate. Plus need another pebble at room temperature. Stone therapy session is held in a relaxed setting of soft light and delicate flavors. The man lies on the couch, and slowly begin to relax or the touch stones, or specifically laying them along the spine, alternating in a special way.
Before the session the patient's skin is applied aromatic oils, and then transferred to the stones. Stones of different sizes are arranged on the active points of the body: from the toes to the eyes. The remaining free surface of the stones massage. First, it is a regular massage, then the actual massage stones heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. Hot stones relieve chronic back pain and neck, help to relax the muscles and get rid of toxins, relieve stress. The temperature of the stones passed through the human body conduction.
The longer the exposure, the deeper the heat penetrates into muscle tissue. Heat can penetrate to a depth of 4 see the session Duration is from 45 minutes to a half hour. The massage is performed with stones of volcanic rocks, which were formed on the slopes of active volcanoes and slowly cooled. These rocks contain a number of useful micro - and macronutrients, magnesium, iron. They have the ability for a long time to keep warm.
Source: /users/117