The production of home-made olive soap
The manufacture of soap with your own hands is a rather popular hobby among women. Homemade Soaps are not only beautiful but also useful, since it does not contain harmful impurities. Handmade soap nourishes, moisturizes and tones the skin, especially if done with adding healthy olive oil. Let's cook together olive soap.
Soap base you can not buy and replace it with a normal white baby soap unscented. Some fans of the soap prepare soap base of lye and fat, but safer and easier to use a ready-made soap base.
To get a good Castile soap as the base oil of the olive is taken. Its benefits have long been known, so olive oil called "liquid gold", adding in quality cosmetics.
Homemade Castile soap
Castile olive soap is a classic option. It was first made in Spain, in Castile, so it is called. Makes a real Castile soap with olive oil of oil, water and lye. For its production will need:
20 ml lavender oil;
— 1 l of olive oil;
— 270 ml distilled water;
soda solution caustic soda and caustic 130 g.
Make this solution very carefully, wearing a mask, gloves, apron and goggles. The soda solution carefully and slowly poured into water, stirred well to dissolve the granules. The mixture was heated and then allow to cool a little.
Olive oil heated in a stainless saucepan on low heat. Then, while stirring with a skimmer, pour the oil into the lye. The mixture should become thick. It may take a few hours. Then soap mixture is poured lavender and poured it on the forms. Cover them with a cloth and put in 1-2 days in cool. Castile soap from the mould turn and lay in a cool, dark place for 4-6 weeks, to make it hardened. The longer it will harden the better will its properties.
Olive oil soap against cellulite
This olive oil is prepared easier than the previous one. It is prepared based on the classic children's soap. So, take:
— 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
— 100 ml of boiling water;
— 180 g of baby soap;
— 3 tablespoons coarse sea salt;
— 4 tablespoons of coffee grounds.
Cooked baby soap grate. Do it in rubber gloves and gauze bandage so as not to breathe the dust soap. End up with soap flakes that you pour into a saucepan on a water bath. There immediately poured and olive oil. Oil and chips stir constantly, adding hot water in small portions. Stir slowly, to not have lumps and extra foam.
The mixture should acquire a plastic homogeneous consistency. Then it throw the coffee grounds and sea salt. The soap mass is mixed well for 5 minutes and poured into soap molds, grease them first with butter. Soap mass thoroughly tamped. Olive soap is drying for 2-3 days in a cool place. This soap will help to make the skin smoother, get rid of "orange peel" skin, moisturize dry skin and give it elasticity.
Source: /users/104

Soap base you can not buy and replace it with a normal white baby soap unscented. Some fans of the soap prepare soap base of lye and fat, but safer and easier to use a ready-made soap base.
To get a good Castile soap as the base oil of the olive is taken. Its benefits have long been known, so olive oil called "liquid gold", adding in quality cosmetics.
Homemade Castile soap
Castile olive soap is a classic option. It was first made in Spain, in Castile, so it is called. Makes a real Castile soap with olive oil of oil, water and lye. For its production will need:
20 ml lavender oil;
— 1 l of olive oil;
— 270 ml distilled water;
soda solution caustic soda and caustic 130 g.
Make this solution very carefully, wearing a mask, gloves, apron and goggles. The soda solution carefully and slowly poured into water, stirred well to dissolve the granules. The mixture was heated and then allow to cool a little.

Olive oil heated in a stainless saucepan on low heat. Then, while stirring with a skimmer, pour the oil into the lye. The mixture should become thick. It may take a few hours. Then soap mixture is poured lavender and poured it on the forms. Cover them with a cloth and put in 1-2 days in cool. Castile soap from the mould turn and lay in a cool, dark place for 4-6 weeks, to make it hardened. The longer it will harden the better will its properties.
Olive oil soap against cellulite
This olive oil is prepared easier than the previous one. It is prepared based on the classic children's soap. So, take:
— 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
— 100 ml of boiling water;
— 180 g of baby soap;
— 3 tablespoons coarse sea salt;
— 4 tablespoons of coffee grounds.
Cooked baby soap grate. Do it in rubber gloves and gauze bandage so as not to breathe the dust soap. End up with soap flakes that you pour into a saucepan on a water bath. There immediately poured and olive oil. Oil and chips stir constantly, adding hot water in small portions. Stir slowly, to not have lumps and extra foam.

The mixture should acquire a plastic homogeneous consistency. Then it throw the coffee grounds and sea salt. The soap mass is mixed well for 5 minutes and poured into soap molds, grease them first with butter. Soap mass thoroughly tamped. Olive soap is drying for 2-3 days in a cool place. This soap will help to make the skin smoother, get rid of "orange peel" skin, moisturize dry skin and give it elasticity.
Source: /users/104