Scientists have created a white strawberry "Pine berry"
What is a Pineberry? The word “pineberry” is a fusion of the words “pineapple” and “strawberry”. Pale pink or pale orange color of this variety with red seeds, helps to distinguish it from conventional strawberries.
The pineberry is a hybrid of the wild South American strawberry Fragaria chiloensis, which grows wild in some areas of Chile and North American strawberry Fragaria virgin. Pineberry is a result of crossbreeding, not genetic engineering, as has been claimed by some. There are actually several different types of white strawberries.
A group of Dutch farmers discovered the source material in France. They were not found and saved from extinction pineberry in the wilds of Chile, as some have claimed.
After six years of selection and cultivation, the power of plants and the quality of the pineberry was improved. It was later decided to start growing them for commercial production. The pineberry fruit is very fragrant and, says the majority of people who tried it, have a taste reminiscent of pineapple, keeping the texture and feeling of the strawberries. Pineberry or pineapple strawberry, novelty and breakthrough in our time.
In Europe, the pineberry is produced in very small scale, because it is not profitable because of the small size and low profitability. The first attempt was made in the UK. With increasing demand and increased the amount that was raised. The sale lasted about 2 months. The price at which sold pineberry was $ 4.50 to $ 6.00 for 125 grams.
In Chile, too, has a plant for the production of pineberry. Their products are called Frutilla Chilena. However, it does not stand up to scrutiny in comparison with the European pineberry. Chilean – very watery, abrupt, not ripe to the taste. It is worth noting that in the United States pineberry on sale and have not been reported. There are continuing attempts to increase pineberry fruit to make it more attractive from the point of view of Commerce.
Source: /users/147

The pineberry is a hybrid of the wild South American strawberry Fragaria chiloensis, which grows wild in some areas of Chile and North American strawberry Fragaria virgin. Pineberry is a result of crossbreeding, not genetic engineering, as has been claimed by some. There are actually several different types of white strawberries.

A group of Dutch farmers discovered the source material in France. They were not found and saved from extinction pineberry in the wilds of Chile, as some have claimed.

After six years of selection and cultivation, the power of plants and the quality of the pineberry was improved. It was later decided to start growing them for commercial production. The pineberry fruit is very fragrant and, says the majority of people who tried it, have a taste reminiscent of pineapple, keeping the texture and feeling of the strawberries. Pineberry or pineapple strawberry, novelty and breakthrough in our time.

In Europe, the pineberry is produced in very small scale, because it is not profitable because of the small size and low profitability. The first attempt was made in the UK. With increasing demand and increased the amount that was raised. The sale lasted about 2 months. The price at which sold pineberry was $ 4.50 to $ 6.00 for 125 grams.

In Chile, too, has a plant for the production of pineberry. Their products are called Frutilla Chilena. However, it does not stand up to scrutiny in comparison with the European pineberry. Chilean – very watery, abrupt, not ripe to the taste. It is worth noting that in the United States pineberry on sale and have not been reported. There are continuing attempts to increase pineberry fruit to make it more attractive from the point of view of Commerce.
Source: /users/147