Amazing umbrella Rain Shield as salvation from any bad weather

Shower, city center, a large puddle on the pavement, another reckless driver behind the wheel — and coats, hopelessly zapisannoe waves of dirty water in all directions, pouring out from under the wheels. Familiar situation, isn't it? And well, if affected only the coat and not the whole clothes from head to toe, because some clever people manage to enter so, not slowing down, in a lake of water mixed with dirty snow. Just for such cases and invented an amazing umbrella-shield Rain Shield, rescue from any bad weather.

The authors of the project, Taiwanese designers Lin Min-Wei and Liu Li-Xiang (Lin Min-Wei & Liu Li-Hsiang) modified standard form of the dome, making it wider to get rid of the spokes, which allows the device to be more elastic and flexible, and adding side protective "wall" that closes the man from the spray and does not turn inside out, only need the wind to blow stronger. Keep the shape the umbrella, the Rain Shield helps a complex structure of wire and a telescopic rod, and that means no more sticking a piece of iron, and strive to stick someone in the eye, to cling to clothing or to scratch. Flexible wire structure also gives the possibility to fold the umbrella-shield in a compact little bundle that easily fits in your bag and not cause inconvenience in a crowded transport or to the person who holds it, nor the people around.

The amazing umbrella project were presented in Singapore at the ceremony of awarding design prizes the Red Dot Award. At the moment it is only a concept, a prototype of the future product. But the authors of the project are already negotiating with a potential manufacturer, so who knows, maybe soon, this umbrella will protect us from bad weather, wind and spray from the wheels of cars.

Source: /users/78
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