App to find Parking from Cisco and Streetline

Every driver can tell you about my hours wasted on finding a Parking space on the streets. But Cisco and Streetline have decided to rid the world of this scourge. They have created a special application for mobile phones that will help motorists find vacant places on the roadside.
The more cars, the harder their owners have when looking for free places relatively accessible from work, home, or shop. Here they have every day to spend a decent amount of time circling the streets hoping to see a free gap between the other cars, lined up on roadsides or Parking lots.

And I must say, it is surprising that Mankind still has not invented the technical means to simplify the process of finding places to Park. At least, it was until recently, while Cisco and Streetline have not implemented a joint project, creating special apps for mobile phones and the corresponding infrastructure, allowing it to fully work.

App it will be in real time to show the presence or absence of available Parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the mobile phone on which it is installed. So, moving on the car on the street, the owner of the car will always know where to go, to be able to leave your vehicle. In the first phase of the project, Cisco and Streetline set up hundreds of special sensors on roadsides and Parking lots of the two cities in the Silicon Valley in California. These devices will monitor whether the cost of the car over them, and transmit this information through a Wi-Fi network in a special data center that forwards it subsequently to the mobile phones.
Source: /users/78