CitiSense sensor air pollution in mobile phone

City, growing, becoming less adapted to life in them. A huge number of people, traffic, noise, pollution – all completely adversely affects the morale and wellbeing. Here, in order to avoid, at least, one of this problems, and created a sensor of air pollution CitiSense, working together with a mobile phone.

Of course, mobile phones PRAX, which contains a lot of very inconceivable features such as opportunities to work as a hammer, a mixer or a drill — this is only a design joke. However, it should be noted the increasing functionality of modern smartphones. Because some devices can even work as a sensor of air pollution as it is offered by the creators of the device, called CitiSense.
CitiSense is a special device, which, of course, is not part of the mobile phone, but works in tandem with him. It is a separate device that you can attach to your clothing or backpack. And its main function is to determine the chemical composition of the air around, revealing the percentage of ozone, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and other harmful substances. And all information received by the CitiSense device, then go through the wireless interface to the mobile phone of the owner, where it will be processed through special software, displayed and sent to the server.
Source: /users/276
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