Struggle with overeating
More and more people around the world suffer from excess weight and obesity. This is because fast food is delicious food that is cheap and cook it is not necessary. Went to a cafe, ate junk food, and go non-fasting, and even fat-insulation stocking up for the winter. Even at home the food can be very high in calories. In General, everything that more calories somehow more delicious. In the same "light salads" we add a little more mayonnaise or sunflower oil, which make them light in name only. This nutritious food is harmful not only for figure but also for health in General.
But the problem of eating high-calorie food is not the only reason for the poor figures and obesity. There is also the problem of overeating. Because you can eat in the same cafe one cheeseburger and you can eat ten; you can eat two candies, drinking a Cup of cafe, and can "trample down" the whole box. And so with any other food and products.
For people who suffer from overeating, a new system, it is called The Aspire Assist Aspiration Therapy System. With this system food from the stomach just pumped. In order to extort food from the stomach, in the stomach, make a hole in which to insert the hose, and that 30% of food is pumped and, therefore, does not go into fats. The procedure takes place 20 minutes after a meal.
Generally, the process is creepy. You can see in the video, but not nervous people.
Like any ideas for this place is true to say that this therapy is not correct. People who overeat taking advantage of such a technique once, can make me hooked on her for life, but if they will reject it, on the normal figure can only remember. Besides, people suffering from bulimia (those who eat and then induce vomiting to ensure that food is not digested) you can go for such therapy, therefore, such therapy is a possible engine for cases of anorexia.
The key to sober with overeating is the personal desire of the person and support psychological therapy if he can't deal with it, but such therapy is only a temporary phenomenon, which can only be used in extreme measures and only for medical purposes.
Source: /users/104
But the problem of eating high-calorie food is not the only reason for the poor figures and obesity. There is also the problem of overeating. Because you can eat in the same cafe one cheeseburger and you can eat ten; you can eat two candies, drinking a Cup of cafe, and can "trample down" the whole box. And so with any other food and products.
For people who suffer from overeating, a new system, it is called The Aspire Assist Aspiration Therapy System. With this system food from the stomach just pumped. In order to extort food from the stomach, in the stomach, make a hole in which to insert the hose, and that 30% of food is pumped and, therefore, does not go into fats. The procedure takes place 20 minutes after a meal.
Generally, the process is creepy. You can see in the video, but not nervous people.
Like any ideas for this place is true to say that this therapy is not correct. People who overeat taking advantage of such a technique once, can make me hooked on her for life, but if they will reject it, on the normal figure can only remember. Besides, people suffering from bulimia (those who eat and then induce vomiting to ensure that food is not digested) you can go for such therapy, therefore, such therapy is a possible engine for cases of anorexia.
The key to sober with overeating is the personal desire of the person and support psychological therapy if he can't deal with it, but such therapy is only a temporary phenomenon, which can only be used in extreme measures and only for medical purposes.
Source: /users/104