Brayton6 – motorcycle with the pulsating engine

Designer Colby Higgins (Colby Higgins) has developed a project, which radically changes the view on the ways of modern motoring. Also, the design Brayton6, he turned inside out all the rules, going by the method of "contradiction" to build a motorcycle around a "living" engine.

Unlike classic motorcycles, Brayton6 in the fuel is not petroleum, and it is reasonable and economical alternative to liquefied natural gas. Brayton6 received a slightly modified internal combustion engine in which the cylinders are made in the form of a bladder, fitted with carbon tubes. Due to the low and deep planting of the rider, and also due to the openness of a pulsating working mechanism, there is an unusual combination of man and machine. According to Higgins, it should cause the driver Brayton6 a storm of emotions.
Source: /users/276