An invaluable benefit of nutmeg
Nutmeg is known for its unique taste. It's easily possible to add in meat, fish, mushroom dishes, various salads, dressings sauces, and add sweet spice to any dessert. This nut has infinite healing properties. Since ancient times, nutmeg was used as a painkiller for any ailment. Also used in the treatment of insomnia and nervous disorders.
In our time, the values of nutmeg nobody asporaat. Many people know that the daily intake of the product helps to cleanse the blood, lymph and even liver and kidneys. They can normalize the robot immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The spice is even used in the treatment of impotence and infertility. But to nutmeg in any case impossible. And the needs of such should be, because this is a condiment spice, as they are known, are added to food in very small quantities. Otherwise, you may experience nausea and vomiting, dizziness and frequent palpitations. To eliminate the headache, use a milk-nutmeg compress on the forehead, after mixing 3 tablespoons of milk with 1 teaspoon of spices.
Milk with nutmeg will help to fight insomnia. To do this, ¼ teaspoon of this spice, add in a glass of warm milk. This spicy cocktail will also strengthen the immune system. If the ratio of 1:1 mix of walnut and vegetable oil – to be effective anti-inflammatory for muscles and joints. It added to any massage oil to enhance the warming effect. The same function to perform the nuts and respectively prepared the cocktail. We must not forget that grated nutmeg quickly loses its flavor. So it's best to store it whole, not in powder.
Source: /users/147
In our time, the values of nutmeg nobody asporaat. Many people know that the daily intake of the product helps to cleanse the blood, lymph and even liver and kidneys. They can normalize the robot immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The spice is even used in the treatment of impotence and infertility. But to nutmeg in any case impossible. And the needs of such should be, because this is a condiment spice, as they are known, are added to food in very small quantities. Otherwise, you may experience nausea and vomiting, dizziness and frequent palpitations. To eliminate the headache, use a milk-nutmeg compress on the forehead, after mixing 3 tablespoons of milk with 1 teaspoon of spices.
Milk with nutmeg will help to fight insomnia. To do this, ¼ teaspoon of this spice, add in a glass of warm milk. This spicy cocktail will also strengthen the immune system. If the ratio of 1:1 mix of walnut and vegetable oil – to be effective anti-inflammatory for muscles and joints. It added to any massage oil to enhance the warming effect. The same function to perform the nuts and respectively prepared the cocktail. We must not forget that grated nutmeg quickly loses its flavor. So it's best to store it whole, not in powder.
Source: /users/147