The ten most useless human organs
Is there any useless organs? No one wants to part with his Appendix before it begins to hurt. Also with a wisdom tooth. Let's see what else the "extra" we have:
10. Third eyelid
You might not guess that you have a third eyelid, but it is located in the inner corner of the eye.
9. Body hair
Without a doubt, once we have had a lot more hair. More than three million years ago, we were completely covered with hair.
8. Sinus sinus
Doctors don't know much about sinus sinuses, the only thing they know is that we have a lot of them.
7. Glands
Seventy four million eight hundred fifty thousand two hundred seventy six
Tonsils "collect" bacteria, but they are still prone to swelling and unstable to infections. Often it can experience for yourself children.
6. Tonsils
Also prone to swelling and unstable to infections. If for 40 years you were able to save them, it is almost an achievement.
5. Coccyx
The coccyx is a pair of fused vertebrae that are left from ancient times when we had tails. Completely pointless part of the human body.
4. Erector
When we were hairy, because of this on our hair stood on end, when we wanted to seem big and scary.
3. Wisdom tooth
When people eat solid raw meat, they needed strong teeth to chew. Now they are not necessary.
Four million seven hundred fifty two thousand three hundred eighteen
2. Appendix
Darwin said the Appendix was involved in the digestion during the first herbivorous years, but after we began to eat a more appropriate diet, the need for it anymore.
1. Male nipples
No one still knows nothing about the appointment of this body, apparently, he's just not needed.
Source: /users/559
10. Third eyelid
You might not guess that you have a third eyelid, but it is located in the inner corner of the eye.
9. Body hair
Without a doubt, once we have had a lot more hair. More than three million years ago, we were completely covered with hair.
8. Sinus sinus
Doctors don't know much about sinus sinuses, the only thing they know is that we have a lot of them.
7. Glands
Seventy four million eight hundred fifty thousand two hundred seventy six
Tonsils "collect" bacteria, but they are still prone to swelling and unstable to infections. Often it can experience for yourself children.
6. Tonsils
Also prone to swelling and unstable to infections. If for 40 years you were able to save them, it is almost an achievement.
5. Coccyx
The coccyx is a pair of fused vertebrae that are left from ancient times when we had tails. Completely pointless part of the human body.
4. Erector
When we were hairy, because of this on our hair stood on end, when we wanted to seem big and scary.
3. Wisdom tooth
When people eat solid raw meat, they needed strong teeth to chew. Now they are not necessary.
Four million seven hundred fifty two thousand three hundred eighteen
2. Appendix
Darwin said the Appendix was involved in the digestion during the first herbivorous years, but after we began to eat a more appropriate diet, the need for it anymore.
1. Male nipples
No one still knows nothing about the appointment of this body, apparently, he's just not needed.
Source: /users/559
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