Cane sugar does not harm the figure
The sugarcane is a sun-loving plant of the grass family, resembling bamboo. Cane juice is the raw material for sugar. Sugar cane originated in India, gradually it began to be cultivated by the peoples of the Middle East. In the Mediterranean countries cane sugar was through the Arabs.
Nutritionists say that without prejudice to the diet per day can be consumed до60 coricnevogo sugar. In the right dosages this product will not only harmful, but also to bring the body to some benefit. Because it contained potassium cleanses the intestines, eliminates toxins, and participates in metabolism of fats and proteins, and regulates the pressure; copper strengthens the immune system; zinc helps fat metabolism, and calcium is good for bones and teeth.
The main advantage of this brown product is the content of many minerals, which are present in sugar beet or in a small quantity or absent. The composition of cane sugar contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and zinc, and molasses, which is prepared by adding to a powdery sugar thick syrup, rich in copper. In addition, brown sweetener contains vitamins, proteins and fiber, contributing to its better absorption. Thanks to these elements and a lower glycemic index (compared with white sugar), cane sugar is a harmless source of energy, because the body he transformered not into fats, as it is white "kindred", and in the valuable energy that fuels our activity.
Source: /users/155
Nutritionists say that without prejudice to the diet per day can be consumed до60 coricnevogo sugar. In the right dosages this product will not only harmful, but also to bring the body to some benefit. Because it contained potassium cleanses the intestines, eliminates toxins, and participates in metabolism of fats and proteins, and regulates the pressure; copper strengthens the immune system; zinc helps fat metabolism, and calcium is good for bones and teeth.
The main advantage of this brown product is the content of many minerals, which are present in sugar beet or in a small quantity or absent. The composition of cane sugar contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and zinc, and molasses, which is prepared by adding to a powdery sugar thick syrup, rich in copper. In addition, brown sweetener contains vitamins, proteins and fiber, contributing to its better absorption. Thanks to these elements and a lower glycemic index (compared with white sugar), cane sugar is a harmless source of energy, because the body he transformered not into fats, as it is white "kindred", and in the valuable energy that fuels our activity.
Source: /users/155