How to help students survive exams?
Soon when school ends. On the one hand, a little more – and you can relax. Very little time to improve the final grade. What can we say about the graduates, who will soon take the exam... to help students as best as possible through this difficult period, psychologists recommend to cheer up the children.
Follow the health of the child, to avoid fatigue. Do not overload, explain to that be sure to alternate between study and rest.
Help to break the threads on the days of the week and find the information you need. It is best to make different versions of the tasks.
Drag a class into the fresh air. For example, in the nearest Park. Now, probably, not to find a high school student at Arsenal who didn't have phone with Internet connection. It can be used, for example, to read the required material. And so these lessons are not cost too much, you need to use free mobile Internet, which is each operator, just find the right tariff.
There is no sense to memorize all the material, you can just understand the key points. To do charts and tables. Important formulas and definitions you can write on the leaves and hang over the table, over the bed, etc.
Prior to the examination provide the child a good rest, and recall that the number of points is not a perfect indicator of its possibilities.
Source: /users/413
Follow the health of the child, to avoid fatigue. Do not overload, explain to that be sure to alternate between study and rest.

Help to break the threads on the days of the week and find the information you need. It is best to make different versions of the tasks.
Drag a class into the fresh air. For example, in the nearest Park. Now, probably, not to find a high school student at Arsenal who didn't have phone with Internet connection. It can be used, for example, to read the required material. And so these lessons are not cost too much, you need to use free mobile Internet, which is each operator, just find the right tariff.

There is no sense to memorize all the material, you can just understand the key points. To do charts and tables. Important formulas and definitions you can write on the leaves and hang over the table, over the bed, etc.
Prior to the examination provide the child a good rest, and recall that the number of points is not a perfect indicator of its possibilities.

Source: /users/413
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