How to instantly make your food taste better?
Use spoons made of stainless steel or silver will give you the impression that food is more delicious, according to the University of Oxford (UK). In the course of the study, the subjects ate the same vanilla yogurt different spoons. Then people were asked to rate the taste on a scale. Yogurt, eaten with a spoon made of stainless steel, averaged 5.5 points, and the one that ate plastic and 4.6.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that people are used to eating with spoons made of stainless steel in expensive restaurants. At the same time, plastic spoons are typically used in fast food restaurants.
In General, if your food seems fresh to you — just try and have a silver spoon from my grandmother's set. And suddenly it tastes better.
Source: /users/559

Perhaps this is due to the fact that people are used to eating with spoons made of stainless steel in expensive restaurants. At the same time, plastic spoons are typically used in fast food restaurants.
In General, if your food seems fresh to you — just try and have a silver spoon from my grandmother's set. And suddenly it tastes better.
Source: /users/559