Represented the world's most expensive table to play poker
Designer Axel Yberg of furniture kitchen contemporary design Akka Functiоnal Art made the world's most expensive table to play poker, which is called "All in".
Ten million five hundred seventy five thousand seven hundred sixty nine
The creation of this unique game table has left more than 620 working hours, and to manufacture it they used 15 different exotic varieties of wood is Madagascar ebony, rosewood, amaranth, Zebrano, canadian maple, English brown oak, Robinia, nut of hinds, wavy maple, sycamore, cherry, Catalpa, black walnut, white oak and ash.
Six million four hundred thirty seven thousand eight hundred four
The base of the table is made of gilded metal pipes. The Central part of the table top with radiating from the center to the side of the players the rays are made from ebony and rosewood, the color of which symbolizes the black and red suit in a deck of cards.
The price of this amazing poker table "All in" (in poker terminology means that one of the players decided to make a bet equal to all of its available available gaming chips) amounted to $75 000.
Forty million five hundred sixty eight thousand eight hundred fourteen
Source: /users/413
Ten million five hundred seventy five thousand seven hundred sixty nine
The creation of this unique game table has left more than 620 working hours, and to manufacture it they used 15 different exotic varieties of wood is Madagascar ebony, rosewood, amaranth, Zebrano, canadian maple, English brown oak, Robinia, nut of hinds, wavy maple, sycamore, cherry, Catalpa, black walnut, white oak and ash.
Six million four hundred thirty seven thousand eight hundred four
The base of the table is made of gilded metal pipes. The Central part of the table top with radiating from the center to the side of the players the rays are made from ebony and rosewood, the color of which symbolizes the black and red suit in a deck of cards.
The price of this amazing poker table "All in" (in poker terminology means that one of the players decided to make a bet equal to all of its available available gaming chips) amounted to $75 000.
Forty million five hundred sixty eight thousand eight hundred fourteen
Source: /users/413
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