The advantages of spa treatments
With the right approach, after a course of spa-procedures will be to improve the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, improvement of water-salt metabolism, the General health of the body and toning. And when properly combined with nutrition after Spa treatments decrease body fat and destroyed signs of cellulite.
However, it is not necessary to hope that with only Spa treatments, you can completely get rid of cellulite or to lose weight. They will help to improve microcirculation, strengthen the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels with the help of special cosmetic products they will even help to break up fat cells. But if, in addition to procedures have a sweet tooth, the spa will not help.
To achieve the promised results contribute to the cosmetic products used during the procedures. Most often used for this brown seaweed — laminaria and fucus bubble. They contain iodine, vitamins and minerals. Iodine today lacking in so many, so it's a good way to support the body. In addition, the seaweed extract helps remove harmful substances through the skin.
Source: /users/559

However, it is not necessary to hope that with only Spa treatments, you can completely get rid of cellulite or to lose weight. They will help to improve microcirculation, strengthen the walls of blood and lymphatic vessels with the help of special cosmetic products they will even help to break up fat cells. But if, in addition to procedures have a sweet tooth, the spa will not help.

To achieve the promised results contribute to the cosmetic products used during the procedures. Most often used for this brown seaweed — laminaria and fucus bubble. They contain iodine, vitamins and minerals. Iodine today lacking in so many, so it's a good way to support the body. In addition, the seaweed extract helps remove harmful substances through the skin.
Source: /users/559
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