What kind of cheese is bad for health?
When it is hot. The cheese itself is already finished, molded product and melting it again, the second time we break the structure and kill everything in it what is useful and what is left. But there is bad cholesterol. In fact, the hot cheese is a solid cholesterol. Unwholesome. So, fellow adults, please ocypete children macaroni and cheese when they are not hot, so the cheese just a little "podvala". And hot sandwiches do not want children.
Processed cheeses are considered harmful because of the high content of salts and melting fat. They better not have children.
Cheese is not recommended during pregnancy, to children it is also not recommended. For example, in England the cheese with mold is printed on the package. Molds can affect the development of the fetus, including death, in violation of the terms of storage molds bacteria become pathogenic.
Now, in many types of cheeses, especially mild, contains no preservatives and flavorings, it must be indicated on the packaging.
Source: /users/559

Processed cheeses are considered harmful because of the high content of salts and melting fat. They better not have children.
Cheese is not recommended during pregnancy, to children it is also not recommended. For example, in England the cheese with mold is printed on the package. Molds can affect the development of the fetus, including death, in violation of the terms of storage molds bacteria become pathogenic.

Now, in many types of cheeses, especially mild, contains no preservatives and flavorings, it must be indicated on the packaging.
Source: /users/559