Google allowed to look into its “quantum laboratory”
Google in May announced the opening of a futuristic laboratory Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab (QAIL), which was supposed to study artificial intelligence and apply the achievements of quantum physics. The project involved a quantum computer, which was bought from the Canadian company D-Wave.
The system, which performs complex calculations thousands of times faster than modern supercomputers, is housed at NASA’s Ames Research Center. It was planned to be commissioned by autumn.
For months, the search engine remained silent about QAIL, and now wanted to report on the success of the short 6-minute film. In the video, engineers Google and NASA report some developments of the laboratory, as well as the quantum computer itself, which can function at a temperature of almost absolute zero (-273.15 degrees Celsius).
Scientists think that quantum architecture can help in cloud computing. For the first time, this technology has found practical application in the sensor of “smart” glasses Google Glass.
Source: /users/413
The system, which performs complex calculations thousands of times faster than modern supercomputers, is housed at NASA’s Ames Research Center. It was planned to be commissioned by autumn.
For months, the search engine remained silent about QAIL, and now wanted to report on the success of the short 6-minute film. In the video, engineers Google and NASA report some developments of the laboratory, as well as the quantum computer itself, which can function at a temperature of almost absolute zero (-273.15 degrees Celsius).
Scientists think that quantum architecture can help in cloud computing. For the first time, this technology has found practical application in the sensor of “smart” glasses Google Glass.
Source: /users/413