Top 3 examples of unusual "hand-made tuning"
Favorite Brooklyn artist Gene Pool (Gene Pool) is grass. Using a unique technique, gene grows a garden lawn on hats, suits, briefcases, shoes, and more. But his main achievement, the artist considers the "greening" of two Buick LeSabres and a school bus.
Harrod Blank (Desmond Morrison Blank) updated Volkswagen Beetle, making it car-orchestra. That is, I pasted the car from outside existing musical instruments. In the "ensemble" on wheels with stereo system and mounted on a microphone stand. To see this bright, but not practical "tuning" in the Art Car World Museum (Arizona).
One of the Chinese car companies have released a truly sweet installation for Valentine's day. In the pavilion, a large shopping centre was put up Vоlkswagen Beetle, which was covered with 440 pounds of chocolate and decorated with marshmallows and confetti.
Source: /users/413

Harrod Blank (Desmond Morrison Blank) updated Volkswagen Beetle, making it car-orchestra. That is, I pasted the car from outside existing musical instruments. In the "ensemble" on wheels with stereo system and mounted on a microphone stand. To see this bright, but not practical "tuning" in the Art Car World Museum (Arizona).

One of the Chinese car companies have released a truly sweet installation for Valentine's day. In the pavilion, a large shopping centre was put up Vоlkswagen Beetle, which was covered with 440 pounds of chocolate and decorated with marshmallows and confetti.

Source: /users/413
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