Tiny Home - a city for the homeless in Portland
Ten million one hundred fifty two thousand six hundred forty eight
In the US, human rights organizations and volunteers are going to build the first city in the world for the homeless. The construction of the city for the homeless is coming to the Portland area. The unusual complex is a real village is relatively small, which can live homeless, those who are forced to live on the street and spend your nights in the best case in special shelters, which are not much better themselves and safer streets of the night city.
Thirty four million four hundred ninety two thousand two hundred nine
On the territory of the gated complex built 144 house, which the volunteers called the Tiny Home. Tiny Home is a small wooden shelter-a homeless shelter designed for one person. Inside this free home has all the minimum facilities for sleeping and personal care. Like any rooming house, a complex of Tiny Home is guarded by police officers, however, unlike them, innovative project qualitatively different level of security and of course convenience.
Thirteen million eight hundred ninety three thousand seven hundred seventy five
At first glance, the Tiny Home is very much like the trailers or small tourist houses. In fact, the internal arrangement of the housing meets the standards of the rooms of the roadside motels. Extremely simple, but high quality and comfortable. Moreover, everything that is in Tiny Home – all new including furniture and communications.
Seventy two million one hundred twenty thousand one hundred twenty two
To live in the houses not only in warm weather, but even in autumn and winter. The houses are fully heated and have a light. The complex also offers a Laundry, several public toilets and public bath. In General, the complex Tiny Home provides a much higher standard of living for the homeless than any other complex.
Seventy five million five hundred thirty thousand two hundred seventy eight
An important part of the Tiny Home is that due to its design and size, the houses can be transported with the aid of special equipment from place to place. All this allows us to transport whole villages or to collect houses in the business, and then take them to the construction of the village.
Source: www.ecobyt.ru/
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