Scientists have developed batteries from sugar

The fuel, plastic, rubber – very many products made from oil. However, the hydrocarbon becomes more difficult material. At the upcoming April show in Hanover will be presented to pilot the development of producing fuel from sugar. Moreover, in the long run, this energy component are obtained from wood and straw.
Researchers from the Saxon Center for chemical-biotechnological processes plan to create a factory for sugar processing in the two. Unique technology possible with the addition of a sugar with certain microorganisms. They digest it, and it turns out gas of the two. German scientific funds allocated for a pilot project more than 5 million euros. It is planned when the plant will reach full capacity, the plant will produce 100 tons of isobutene.

In the future to avoid the shortages, developers are going to be from sugar beets as the feedstock, and to obtain sugar from other renewable sources. Wood, for example. The technology for such processing already exists: the wood is processed and we obtain the raw material, in the form of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin is in the future cycle.
Source: nauka24news.ru/