Who wakes up early slimmer
I tried mankind in the fight against obesity: diets, exhausting workouts, pills for weight loss. Maybe just enough every day to meet the dawn?
Researchers from northwestern University (USA) found that those who gets up early and goes outside in the dawn hours, the body mass index (BMI value, allowing to evaluate the degree of conformity of weight of the person and his growth and thus, indirectly, to assess whether the weight is insufficient, normal or excessive) is lower than the fans to sleep until noon.
Studies show that to achieve the effect enough to spend 20-30 minutes on the street from 8 am to noon. The sooner the person receives a sufficient dose of light (at least 500 Lux, and the lighting in rooms rarely exceeds 300 Lux), the sooner you start the metabolic processes that are synchronized with our internal biological clock.
The study included 54 participants (26 men, 28 women), about 30 years. They were wearing a special device actigraph who recorded the light levels and sleep parameters of the subjects for seven days. All the participants were their way of life. Separately accounted for, how many calories consumed for the experiment. The results published in the journal "PLOS One". Scientists have yet to find out exactly how the lighting affects metabolism, including weight, but that this relationship is, they have no doubt. "Light is the most potent agent that affects the synchronization of internal biological clocks. They govern circadian rhythms, and they, in turn, the energy balance of the body. If a man is not getting enough light at the right time of day, the biological clock will begin to "show the wrong time", leading to disruption of metabolic processes," comments head of research group Dr. Phyllis C. Zee.
Adequate level of illumination is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, like proper diet, amount of exercise, compliance with sleep mode. According to Dr. Z, if you start to monitor the light level from childhood, it could prevent the obesity epidemic which has affected many developed countries. According to RAMS, in Russia, 60% of women and 50% men are overweight. More than half of the population!
A few years ago in Norway there was conducted an interesting study. The subjects were divided into two groups. For 8 weeks, all participants followed a calorie-reduced diet and three times a week for half an hour doing the walk. With only one difference – one group daily for 30 minutes received 10,000 Lux of light (the light level on a clear Sunny day) and the other only 500 (very cloudy day or well lit room). In the first group weight loss averaging 8.6 kg, while the second is only 2.9 kg. It is not the only study of this kind and they all come to the same conclusion – with the same diet and the same exercise just the difference in ambient light plays a key role in how people lose weight. So if you have lacked motivation to learn painless to get up early, maybe now it will work?
By the way, another research group from Cornell University (USA), assessed which days of the week weight is lost faster. It turned out that the worst enemy of losing weight – it's the weekend. On weekdays to lose weight easily – less time for food, day more structured and sandwiched in the framework of the regime. Relaxing in the weekend we give the body a break, and he instantly reacts to it. Here is another strong argument in favor of the fact that the regime of the day should be observed not only during working hours.
Source: nkj.ru
Researchers from northwestern University (USA) found that those who gets up early and goes outside in the dawn hours, the body mass index (BMI value, allowing to evaluate the degree of conformity of weight of the person and his growth and thus, indirectly, to assess whether the weight is insufficient, normal or excessive) is lower than the fans to sleep until noon.
Studies show that to achieve the effect enough to spend 20-30 minutes on the street from 8 am to noon. The sooner the person receives a sufficient dose of light (at least 500 Lux, and the lighting in rooms rarely exceeds 300 Lux), the sooner you start the metabolic processes that are synchronized with our internal biological clock.
The study included 54 participants (26 men, 28 women), about 30 years. They were wearing a special device actigraph who recorded the light levels and sleep parameters of the subjects for seven days. All the participants were their way of life. Separately accounted for, how many calories consumed for the experiment. The results published in the journal "PLOS One". Scientists have yet to find out exactly how the lighting affects metabolism, including weight, but that this relationship is, they have no doubt. "Light is the most potent agent that affects the synchronization of internal biological clocks. They govern circadian rhythms, and they, in turn, the energy balance of the body. If a man is not getting enough light at the right time of day, the biological clock will begin to "show the wrong time", leading to disruption of metabolic processes," comments head of research group Dr. Phyllis C. Zee.
Adequate level of illumination is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, like proper diet, amount of exercise, compliance with sleep mode. According to Dr. Z, if you start to monitor the light level from childhood, it could prevent the obesity epidemic which has affected many developed countries. According to RAMS, in Russia, 60% of women and 50% men are overweight. More than half of the population!
A few years ago in Norway there was conducted an interesting study. The subjects were divided into two groups. For 8 weeks, all participants followed a calorie-reduced diet and three times a week for half an hour doing the walk. With only one difference – one group daily for 30 minutes received 10,000 Lux of light (the light level on a clear Sunny day) and the other only 500 (very cloudy day or well lit room). In the first group weight loss averaging 8.6 kg, while the second is only 2.9 kg. It is not the only study of this kind and they all come to the same conclusion – with the same diet and the same exercise just the difference in ambient light plays a key role in how people lose weight. So if you have lacked motivation to learn painless to get up early, maybe now it will work?

By the way, another research group from Cornell University (USA), assessed which days of the week weight is lost faster. It turned out that the worst enemy of losing weight – it's the weekend. On weekdays to lose weight easily – less time for food, day more structured and sandwiched in the framework of the regime. Relaxing in the weekend we give the body a break, and he instantly reacts to it. Here is another strong argument in favor of the fact that the regime of the day should be observed not only during working hours.
Source: nkj.ru
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