The strictness of parents as a factor in childhood obesity
The stricter and autoritarna behave parents, the more likely that their children will gain extra pounds. To such conclusion the canadian researchers after work with a control group of children. Boys and girls aged from birth to one year together with their parents participated in the survey of experts in the field of healthy nutrition and physical activity.
Twenty four million forty five thousand six hundred fourteen
The results showed a direct relationship of weight gain in children from a parenting style that has been adopted by mom and dad. According to experts, the main task of any parent to educate their child. Methods and techniques may differ, but the goal is to subordinate the child to their control – remains unchanged. The only question is, what is the degree of control, and how adults reach the goal. Remembering the phrase "he who spares the baby, he destroys it", it is possible to explain the behavior of those dads and moms who in their Association with offspring choose an authoritarian style. However, recent studies show that strict parents, or rather their rigid pattern of behavior may cause excess weight in their children. At that time, as a more democratic approach to the child, is willing to listen to his point of view can save you from problems of this kind. Very strict parents – a risk factor for a child's body. In the experiment, were interviewed 37 parents of 775 children. Scientists analyzed the responses of adults and made conclusions about their chosen style of parenting their offspring. Behavior patterns were divided into specific categories and mapped with a body mass index (a measure of weight and height person) each child. Surveyed parents divided into two groups. To first carried those who apply the more stringent principles of parenting, including authoritarian model of behavior and the almost complete restriction of liberty of a child. The second group consisted of parents who are in their attitude to the child show participation, establishing two-way contact, and showing more feelings. The results showed that children who are brought up strict parents, a chance to get fat is almost three times higher than those who are growing in love and understanding. Among kids aged 2 to 5 years this figure is higher by 30% and among 6-11-year-olds – 37%. Parents should reflect on their parenting style, childhood Obesity is a problem that enough is gaining momentum. In particular, one third of American children overweight and obesity. Among other reasons — poverty. But regardless of the level of family income, a potential "donuts" and "pyshechki" are precisely the children who grow up in strict control, without the right of dialogue with adults. "Parents should at least think about applied parenting style," says Lisa Kakinada, Professor at the University of Montreal. "If you tightly control your child, severely limiting and ignoring his opinion, with high probability put him in danger to get overweight or obese," warns the expert.
Source: babyreporter.eu
Twenty four million forty five thousand six hundred fourteen
The results showed a direct relationship of weight gain in children from a parenting style that has been adopted by mom and dad. According to experts, the main task of any parent to educate their child. Methods and techniques may differ, but the goal is to subordinate the child to their control – remains unchanged. The only question is, what is the degree of control, and how adults reach the goal. Remembering the phrase "he who spares the baby, he destroys it", it is possible to explain the behavior of those dads and moms who in their Association with offspring choose an authoritarian style. However, recent studies show that strict parents, or rather their rigid pattern of behavior may cause excess weight in their children. At that time, as a more democratic approach to the child, is willing to listen to his point of view can save you from problems of this kind. Very strict parents – a risk factor for a child's body. In the experiment, were interviewed 37 parents of 775 children. Scientists analyzed the responses of adults and made conclusions about their chosen style of parenting their offspring. Behavior patterns were divided into specific categories and mapped with a body mass index (a measure of weight and height person) each child. Surveyed parents divided into two groups. To first carried those who apply the more stringent principles of parenting, including authoritarian model of behavior and the almost complete restriction of liberty of a child. The second group consisted of parents who are in their attitude to the child show participation, establishing two-way contact, and showing more feelings. The results showed that children who are brought up strict parents, a chance to get fat is almost three times higher than those who are growing in love and understanding. Among kids aged 2 to 5 years this figure is higher by 30% and among 6-11-year-olds – 37%. Parents should reflect on their parenting style, childhood Obesity is a problem that enough is gaining momentum. In particular, one third of American children overweight and obesity. Among other reasons — poverty. But regardless of the level of family income, a potential "donuts" and "pyshechki" are precisely the children who grow up in strict control, without the right of dialogue with adults. "Parents should at least think about applied parenting style," says Lisa Kakinada, Professor at the University of Montreal. "If you tightly control your child, severely limiting and ignoring his opinion, with high probability put him in danger to get overweight or obese," warns the expert.
Source: babyreporter.eu
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