Creative recycling of transport: a designer house-bus in Israel
When the bus goes out of service, it is sent for scrap metal. But two women in Israel have shown creatively how a bus that has come to landfill can be turned into luxury housing. This idea can be a great solution to the problem of housing for those in need.
Israeli women Tali Shaul, who works as a psychotherapist, and Hagit Morewski, an environmentalist, met on the playground where their children played. It turned out that both women hold “green” views. And they decided to implement a joint environmental business project. After studying the topic, they settled on an alternative solution to the housing problem.
Women bought in the landfill literally for pennies old bus and engaged in its transformation. In principle, only a frame was left of the bus. And the original interior, after a while appeared on the bus, is the merit of Shaul, Morewski and designer Sofer Drori, whom the women invited to help.
The interior of unusual housing was built around existing doors, windows, wheel arches – all this designers decided to keep. At the same time, a bathroom, a bedroom and a fully equipped kitchen appeared on the bus. In order for the residents of the bus house to feel comfortable in the bus house even on the hottest days, air conditioning is installed in it.
Now all that remains is to find a buyer who agrees to live in this unusual moto house.
Source: www.ecobyt.ru/