Wearable electric motors could take extreme sports to the next level
Fans of speed and extreme sports know that your time has come. Whether you’re into skateboarding, skiing, or snowboarding, there’s now an invention that will allow you to move faster than ever. Dreamscience’s Thrusters device, in the form of four small but powerful electric motors, will give you extra extra acceleration.
Powered by a wearable battery, four electric jet engines are already being tested by paragliders, skaters, skiers and other athletes. Snowboarder Jamie Barrow managed to reach a top speed of 80km/h when he tested a Thrusters prototype on a frozen lake in Switzerland. According to him, a unique “engine” allows you to accelerate on a flat surface as if you are driving on a slope.
The device is still under development. The latest version can provide 60 kg of thrust at maximum acceleration and about 40 kg in normal mode. The battery is enough for 15 minutes of operation of the device.
In the field of extreme sports, the possibilities of the invention are quite extensive. If Thrusters manages to bring to mind, new subtypes of extreme entertainment, such as high-speed snowboarding with electric jet propulsion, may well emerge.
Source: techcult.ru
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