How to save the sight to old age

And finally, we'll talk about maintaining specific structures of the eye — cells that contain the visual pigment rhodopsin. It provides the ability to see in twilight and darkness. If it produces enough, broken twilight and night vision is a condition called hemeralopia, or night blindness. Violation of the synthesis of rhodopsin is most often develops when vitamin a deficiency.

The main sources of this vitamin cod liver oil, egg yolk, butter, cod liver oil. In addition, vitamin a can be synthesized directly in the body from carotene. It is contained in red and orange fruits, vegetables and berries — sea buckthorn, a dogrose, sweet pepper.

However, the highest content of carotene in carrots. In addition, this vegetable contains anti-oxidants, also has beneficial effects on all metabolic processes in the eyes. It is important to remember that vitamin a refers to a group of fat-soluble, so the best dish for the eyes is crude grated carrots with vegetable oil, which 10 times increases the absorption of valuable substances.

In addition, for the health of eyes is very useful bio-flavonoids: they increase visual acuity both day and twilight, activate metabolic processes in tissues of the eye. These substances are rich in black fruits, especially blueberries — it includes such valuable to view trace elements as boron, manganese, copper, titanium, chromium, and many others.



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