The ancients were stronger than modern athletes
The researchers say that the ancient people had a more sturdy legs than the fastest sportsmen of our time.
Scientists at Cambridge University believe that over 7000 years ago, before moving to the agricultural period of mankind, people have stronger muscles and bones. As said Colin Shaw: "Even the most skilled athletes pales in comparison with our ancestors."
The researchers analyzed the skeletons starting from 5300 BC to 850 ad, Then the data is compared with parameters of the bones of modern students and found that bones of ancient men as good as professional runners.
However, 3000 years later, the ancestors of modern humans began to weaken. Scientists attribute this to the transition from hunting and gathering to agricultural society. Men have suffered from more changes. They have to cover smaller distance, less chasing prey and running from predators and competitors.

The researchers used a portable 3D scanner to study the bones. Looked around the skeletons found in Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Serbia and Hungary. Researcher Alison Macintosh found that lower leg men become less rigid, and the bones of men and women less strong.
She added: "Agriculture, a wide range of crafts has resulted in reducing the mobility of people. As a result, the reduced mobility was accompanied by a decrease in bone strength of the lower extremities".
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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