A Nigerian student has created a solar vehicle.

Segun Oyeyiola is a fifth-year student, electric and electronic faculty of the University named Obafemi Awolowo (Electronic and Electrical Department of Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU), created a car powered by solar energy.
It turns out, Oyeyiola created the car entirely on their own. Also the young man reports that he was dedicated to his project on solar panels for several months.
A car created by a student depends on the wind and solar energies. All the energy obtained from these two sources were converted to run this simple machine. There are various means of obtaining energy from these two sources, but I chose the one that is perfect for my car.
Thus, to operate the car, you are not using one kind of energy, and both energies. The car is thus markedly different from the usual vehicles we see around us.
His innovative car created for the cause of climate change, the imprint which imposes the combustion of the fuel. Therefore, the inventor thought about creating a car that would not use the fuel for the movement. After some thought and research I came up with a simple method that helped to create it. This was the main reason for this car. Another of my concern was the production of the car, which functioned effectively, with less maintenance costs.
But that's not all features, among other things, Segun has created a software through which its owner can know the status of the car. The program works on mobile devices. Using the software, you can learn such data about the car like: charging the battery, weather conditions, distance, which may be addressed during various weather conditions. The car also has GPS.
Student inventor spent overall on the production of this car for about 12 months. He used to create his little savings, but even now he needed money, something to improve for the machine. Estimated Oyeyiola Segun value of the car should make about a million Naira, if we take into account not Assembly-line production.
Source: eco-portal.kz
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