Little known facts about people's reactions to odors
It is believed that the sense of smell – five senses of man. Scientists have proved that the feeling animals have developed much better than humans. No doubt, other human feelings, such as, for example, hearing, sight, not less important than the sense of smell. But it plays a very important role in the relationship between a man and a woman. The person is not aware of why during the communication, we give preference to one people, and communicate with others. It's all in the smell. Let's try to understand what it is.
1. Memory, not all functions equally. But a phenomenal memory for odors developed absolutely everyone and in all circumstances. For example: your novel is finished, and the party it seems to be forever forgotten. But if, by chance, you are concerned about, for example, the smell of his Cologne or toilet water, there's no doubt that memories will cover you with his head. During the experiment, more than half of its members, have the desire to even call for a long time, seemingly forgotten half.
2. There were times when it was thought that for life to use perfume to smell. But if you don't want the routine in your relationship, change your perfume – artificial smell of your body. Perfume should be applied depending on your mood and the time of year and time of day. If you do not believe in the power of smell, we suggest the following experiment: in bed several times in a row use the same smell, only very weak. After that, you only of your beloved one to feel this smell in another setting, as the desire will erupt by itself.
3. Scientists have long been concerned about the question of the nature of natural human odor. Our scent changes with every period of our lives. Sexologists give the following advice to men during ovulation "keep an eye" from their sweethearts. As shown by the results of the experiment, the woman in this period it smells absolutely especially. At the same time, the smell of it does not feel like she is his owner, and her surrounding friends. It can feel only men, and on a subconscious level.
4. As you know, there are no people with identical fingerprints. Similarly, there are no people who have similar body odors. The smell may not be the same even if people used exactly the same perfume. Every woman has ever experienced the frustration of buying any perfume that felt in girlfriend. Actually turned out to be completely wrong...
5. If you do not give passage type, which is unpleasant to you, then use it in the presence of some nasty spirits. You can even ask, what smells unpleasant. Imagine that the obsessive fan doesn't love fruity fragrances. In this case, we suggest you to put a scent in the hallway and unwanted admirer after several adventures to your door, you will cease to intrude. Yes, cruel, but effective.
6. You get upset when you constantly feel the smell of foreign perfume, and your catch or does not work? Do not worry. By the way, perfumers assure that the spirits of the ideal man only if he does not feel its smell. In this case, rejoice, because between your body and your set to full contact.
7. On the question of "how to smell" there is one major definite answer – of course. Under any circumstances you should not try to stifle his own body odor all sorts of beauty products. With the help of spirits it is necessary to emphasize its natural flavor.
8. We should not forget that women have the so-called "tritium eyes" and "second nose" are far better than men. And how do you think his wife will know about the adventures of a cheating husband? I think out of his mouth? No. Thanks to the sense of smell. As soon as the husband crosses the threshold of the apartment, the woman instantly detects the air ran behind the man behind, and correctly identifies the nature of the origin of the odors. After that, the woman knows what she should do: go on about their business if the husband comes the smell of cigarettes or cat Vasi, a friend from a neighboring house. Or throw a huge scandal, if you suddenly feel a strange smell of foreign perfume.
9. If you want to stay forever to a former lover in the mind for a very long time, while Roman will think of Coco Chanel. This woman's whole life was hiding two things: your age and the name of your favorite perfume. If on the age of your companion became known, never let him know your second secret. Do not give this information to him, even if he would explain his interest, because he wants to make you a small gift as your favourite perfume.
10. If the novel, in your opinion, was delayed, and you understood the futility of hope, as your partner are married, I suggest every time you see him spray his perfume, the smell of you is just disgusting. The choice is not difficult to do: go to the store and will choose the opposite to you. Believe me, after 5 to 10 such procedures love she will be. And notice, no painful breaks you do not expect. You only remember bad breath and its owner at once will cause a storm of negative feelings.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua