Prevention of food poisoning a child
Twenty three million four hundred seventy five thousand nine hundred eleven
Whatever baby food was neither tasty and, most importantly, she was safe. It becomes especially important with the advent of heat, when the risk of intestinal infections above. On the rules of preparation and storage of food for children on the measures necessary for the prevention of food poisoning a child tells a pediatrician Elena Motova.
What is dangerous bacteria?
Although the food may be contaminated with chemicals (pesticides, detergents) or physical (stones, foreign bodies) agents, the main role belongs to biological contamination. These are called fungi, viruses, protozoa, worms, bacteria. About the last we'll talk, because they literally surround us from all sides and meeting with them most likely. Fortunately, only 1% of bacteria dangerous to humans, the rest are either neutral or benefit, such as intestinal microflora.
Bacteria have the ability to uncontrolled proliferation, in 12 hours under favorable conditions, from one thing it turns out 68 billion. However, the food often does not change in appearance, smell, taste, look – everything will be as usual.
How to protect food from germs?
Most bacteria reproduce at a temperature of from 5 to 60° C. Means to slow or halt their growth, we need to keep the products and ready meals in the fridge or keep it hot if the temperature is above 60 degrees. A common mistake is to put a large pot of hot soup directly into the fridge. She cools down for a long time, and in the thickness of the soup for many hours favorable for bacteria growth temperature, in addition, increased temperature and in the refrigerator. Better to quickly cool the soup to room temperature, and then refrigerate.
The rules of food storage:
- Do not leave cooked food at room temperature more than 2 hours;
- decant before sending it in the refrigerator in shallow containers so it will cool faster;
- heat food to a temperature of over 70 degrees (it should rise pairs);
- in the preparation of salads such as Olivier, which will be used in cold, do not add hot or warm ingredients to the cooled;
- do not defrost foods at room temperature.
Most vulnerable to foodborne illnesses infants and young children. Young children have underdeveloped defense mechanisms of the gastrointestinal tract and hygiene skills. This means that for children up to 3 years, the best choice is food that is served immediately after preparation. If this is not possible, food should be stored only until the next appointment.
Storage of perishable products
They don't last very long because they contain a lot of protein, have a humidity of 75% and a neutral acidity. This will also apply to the favorable factors for the development of bacteria. To the group of perishable products include meat, fish, dairy products. Bacteria don't care what protein to eat, plant or animal, so if you forget at room temperature overnight milk porridge, mashed potatoes, cooked beans, expect uninvited "consumers".
In those days, when people knew nothing about the role of bacteria, the products have maintained high salt concentrations (brining) or vinegar (increase the acidity), drying, using spices with antibacterial properties.
It is important to store food at the correct temperature (using the thermometer to check the temperature on different shelves), even in the refrigerator of perishable produce and prepared food must not be long. Don't eat yourself and not let the children of products with expired shelf life!
Storage temperature products:
- Meat and poultry 0-2° C
- Fish and shellfish 0-1° C
- Eggs 3-4° C
- Milk products 2-4° C
- Vegetables, fruits, herbs 4-8° C
Rules of hygiene for children and adults, or Wash your hands before eating!
Hate to ask about such well known things, however, the eyeballs scored in season children's infectious diseases hospital downright forced me to do it.
The disease of "dirty hands" is not only a banal diarrhea, but also a very serious diseases: dysentery, viral hepatitis a, amoebiasis, helminthic infestations.
Be sure to observe the rules of food hygiene for yourself and make sure that they complied with your children:
- wash your hands with soap (plain; antibiotic use is not necessary) before eating, after toilet, after coming from the street;
- use for drinking and cooking safe clean water;
- repeatedly wash your hands before cooking and in the process, especially if in contact with dirty vegetables, raw meat, fish, chicken, etc. During the cooking of the jewelry with the hands is better off;
- thoroughly wash vegetables and fruit (even the fruit, which is covered with a peel – bananas, oranges),
- maintain impeccable cleanliness wherever food is prepared;
- protect foods from insects, rodents and other animals.
Some foods in raw form can serve as a natural habitat for pathogenic microorganisms, such as Salmonella, which is part of the normal microflora of the chicken, but dangerous to humans. In this regard, it is necessary not only to bring meat, poultry, fish until tender, but also to ensure that they are raw not in contact with cooked food and other products.
Such cross-contamination can be direct but can be indirect and subtle – through the hands, utensils or contaminated surface. Therefore::
- for meat and similar products it is better to have separate boards and knives;
- thoroughly wash and dry the dishes and Cutlery that were used for raw food before to get them ready for;
- Possibly wash your kitchen container in the dishwasher, which not only provides a longer wash at a high temperature, but also dries the dishes.
The next time I met him six months later, he looked like something strange and lost a lot of weight. It turned out that a month in an infectious diseases ward with dysentery completely changed his hygiene habits. The place is, apparently.
Source: www.gastronom.ru
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