The presence of certain purposes extends the life of man

The presence of a certain purpose in life adds to human longevity. It not only promotes healthy aging, but also can prevent early death.
These are the results of the study canadian researchers from Carleton University, published in the journal Psychological Science.
Perhaps the presence of the target having such an impact on people because motivated people to actively look after their health. The study of the physical and mental health of about 7,000 people aged 20 to 75 years showed that about 14 years later motivated old people survived their more passive colleagues, in addition, setting ambitious goals in life played the role of a protective function.
Study author Dr. Patrick hill said in an interview with BBC News that the person receives clear benefits to the health of the presence of the target, forcing him every day to go to scheduled.
The idea of healthy aging characteristic of Japanese culture extends to the United States. However, in society there is a common stereotype that the sense of purpose is more typical of young people. Dr. hill stresses the need of setting goals in the quest to live a long life. Those who want to achieve something, to actually live longer, regardless of, they reached their goal in the end or not.
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