Now in the zones of emergency situations will work terminators

Russian scientists and engineers began to work on the creation of the robot-the terminator, whose main goal — to provide professional assistance to all those in need who find themselves in an emergency situation. At the moment, at the disposal of scientists there is already a technical prototype, which was engaged in highly qualified specialists of the Department of advanced studies of Ministry of emergency situations of the Russian Federation.
According to reports contained in the official volume by the Department, the terminator will have the ability to work at great distances from the facility with the prevailing on site emergency. The main task of the robot will be sending information about what is happening in sponsored his site Manager, operator, operating him by remote control.
A unique structural feature of this terminator is the ability to work under the control and management of operator, uses for standard connection to the Internet, regardless of the location of the computer or laptop.
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Source: globalscience.ru