Country risk— how to save a pet

With the advent of heat begins the season of summer cottages and country picnic: fresh air, river, food at the fire. But what about a pet? You can't leave him to be bored in a city apartment where it will not be able to share all your fun?
Usually the animals we take with us, but we often forget that away from home meet danger more terrible than a mosquito bite or excessive sun exposure. We should try to avoid unpleasant encounters or random events. First of all we are talking about the safety of the most popular companions of the man – cats and dogs, but most rules apply to other Pets.

Watch the cottage! 1. Stress
Many animals even temporary moving to a new place causes a lot of stress. And the smaller the pet, the more likely it will perenervnichala due to a "walk" and will produce unpredictable reactions from digestive disorders to aggression. So before you go take care of mental balance pet: put him in a familiar carrier, take a favorite toy, bedding, a treat. Short-term absence it is better to leave it at home in the care of relatives or neighbors or to take to a hotel for Pets.
2. Tick
Perhaps one of the most serious dangers threatening four-legged friends who were taken closer to nature – the bites of Ixodes (dog) ticks. They carry piroplasmosis is a serious infectious disease, which annually kill hundreds of dogs. Cats tolerate it better, but also with a greater risk to health and life.
Not to fear for the lives of Rex and Murzik, it is better to take all measures to protect them from the tick:
1. To treat the animal before the trip (and preferably from the beginning of the warm season) spray or drops, scaring or suppressing the activity of mites. Repeat procedure on average once a month depending on the drug.
2. Use a special collar for fleas and ticks, not forgetting what to wear it should at least a few days before departure – the substance which it is impregnated, it takes time to begin to act. The collar runs from 1 to 7 months.
3. To be vaccinated against piroplasmosis. It will not protect from the infection, but the disease will be mild and with less risk.
4. If the dog runs through tall grass, there is a sense before the walk in addition to the other media tie her chest and stomach parasites will attack in the first place these areas, but will not be able to get to the skin.
5. Thoroughly inspect the pet after each outing for the detection of mites stuck, because no one remedy in the end is not 100% guarantee. Discovered "rodent" you must immediately remove vykruchivalis movement with the tweezers and take the injured animal to the vet and be tested for piroplasmosis. If you break up there is no desire or possibility, carefully observe the health of the animal and the appearance of any suspicious symptoms (fever) run to the animal doctor. Without special treatment, the dog is almost guaranteed to die within 3-5 days.
3. Rabies and other infections
Your Pets lurk other, less dangerous infection. Check is made whether all necessary vaccinations and, if not, try to solve this question not in the last days after vaccination, the animal often does not feel well, and the drug needs time to create an effective barrier from unwanted adversities. Try not to allow the Pets to the wild, unfamiliar and just the suspicious "sides".
4. Injury
The "will" family pet may be exactly the same as at home, damage to paws from broken glass and metal, or fight with the neighbor's dog. Try, first, to ensure adequate control of the animal and the safety of the area. Second, definitely bring a first aid kit with styptic and disinfectant, instruction on first aid and calling emergency numbers veterinarian.
5. Poisoning
The Cabinet also put the chelators or activated charcoal – they will come in handy if the animal decides to try giving something toxic to him, or treated with chemicals plant, or had been begged a piece of kebab. To reduce the risk of toxicity to clean out artificial fertilizer and poison, designed to protect against pests, to a curious animal put his nose into the prepared bucket of "Holy water" from the Colorado potato beetles and other enemies of the crop.
6. Loss
Make no mistake that an obedient house animal outside the city does not decide to check out what it is – a taste of freedom. In "pampas" it's going to blow as out of curiosity and fearing, for example, of thunder.
Make sure that potential fugitive was at least a collar with a badge with his name and contact the owners. Methods of gaining popularity of a microchip implantable under the skin and allowing to identify the animal. Significantly easier to find a collar with a beacon – the owner will only need to take the receiver and follow the signal.
Kittens, puppies and valuable animals it is betternot to let go to free range, and to organize for them a separate enclosure or display only on a leash or harness. Limiting the movement will narrow his circle of friends with strange cats and dogs, as well as will save you from the disturbances of neighbors in the cottage, whose garden your pet will ruin solely from a sense of beauty.
7. Unplanned pregnancy
"Free grazing" Pets in the country could lead not only to escape: for the neighborhood cats and dogs go uledi. And "girls" and "boys" can be hard to break on an adventure, fleeing in an unknown direction. If you don't want puppies or kittens, take care of the contraceptives for Pets or radical solution to the problem.
If you the owner is not "banal" cats or dogs, and a bit more exotic animals, you should pay attention to the additional features to ensure their safety outside the city.

Rodents.Ferret in the country can be kept in chicken cage and in the house observing that it was not possible to arrange an escape. Back to the call he is unlikely to come running. To walk it is necessary strictly on a leash, not leaving one. Small animals (decorative rabbits, rats, mice, Guinea pigs and hamsters) it is better to breathe fresh air without leaving the cells or remaining in the hands of the owner. In the grass they can easily get lost or to get some kind of infection. Leave them unattended only in a cage or aviary, prolonged small durable mesh on all sides including the roof.
Terrarium animals. If you do not want to part with his beloved iguana, turtle or boa constrictor, consider creating for them comfortable conditions close to home. Such animals are very restless to change the situation, which often leads to aggression. The same is taken out on a picnic iguana may not wish to walk peacefully on a leash or sitting on my shoulder, and instead are left in the hand of your beloved master a couple of fresh scars. Fish and insects. Fish is better not to carry – it is unlikely they will miss your absence, especially if you provide them at this period with food. But if you leave the fish to someone's care does not work, you can take them with you in advance and prepare for them in the country a new aquarium. For moving use a small portable container, although the pleasure of such a "walk" they are unlikely to deliver. The exit should not take also spiders, mantids and other Madagascan cockroaches – don't get caught.
Birds. In the campaign budgerigars and Canaries are unlikely to feel comfortable, but in the country it is possible to equip a spacious aviary on the porch with the possibility to close the boards for the night. In the rain you can try to pick up birds in the house. A pleasant holiday to you and your family – two-legged and four-legged, tailed, and winged!
Source: domashniy.ru/
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