Scientists —module "Curiosity" gave Mars a new life
American scientists considered the likelihood that the self-propelled module "Curiosity" could give life to microscopic organisms on the surface of Mars, infecting them with terrestrial bacteria with an active stage of development and promotion.
Recall that for a two-year period to the current day, the Rover found more than sixty different bacterial organisms on the surface of the red planet, bringing them down to a deep technological research.
Currently, a team of researchers is working to prepare data for a deeper knowledge on the subject bacterial composition, which have survived being inside a spacecraft, even held against him disinfection.
Because of this, scientists were able to conclude that present on Mars biological organisms have a very high ability to confront high temperatures and endure huge doses of radiation.
Elevated levels of cosmic radiation precludes the possibility of a flight to Mars Flight to Mars in its present conditions is impossible simply due to elevated levels of cosmic radiation. This conclusion scientists from the National Agency for space research and Aeronautics did, judging by the Curiosity of the collected information, reports media. NASA believes that during the flight to Mars, which at today's opportunities will continue for about 360 days, the astronauts who are on Board the ship, get about six hundred millisieverts of radiation.
On a meteorite from Mars found traces of water. NASA experts was conducted an unprecedented study of the meteorite, which was found in Antarctica. Analysis gave the possibility to install the following is an igneous rock that is the rock was formed 1.3 billion years ago. The formation was under the influence of water, thus, while she was on the red planet in a liquid state. A celestial body is trapped under the microscope weighs almost 14kg, and it is called "Yamato"
Cargo "progress" undocks from the ISS and sent to the free flight. According to the previously approved plan, today, domestic cargo module, "Progress" will be disconnected from the main unit to the international space station and then send it to the free swimming in the expanses of space. After a certain eight day period, that is, to the 11th of this month, a cargo module will be transferred from orbit to the landing stage with the flooded waters of the Pacific ocean. This morning was reported by the representatives of the Moscow center of correction of flight
Source: globalscience.ru