Top 10 genetically modified creatures that you may face today

Genetics is one of the Sciences, whose rapid development awaits humanity in the coming years. Now even the scientists themselves can not imagine all the possibilities that can open to human manipulation of DNA, but some of the results of years of experiments with the genome can already feel everyone in the world gaining popularity food, plants and Pets with altered DNA.
If you wish to have such a charming "mutant" or try dishes with unusual properties, here are a few options that modern genetic science has to offer.
1. Designer kids
The first "batch" of genetically modified babies were born in 2001-m to year. 30 newborns had DNA composed of genes from three parents — these kids were conceived using the method of transplantation of cytoplasm, is now prohibited by the U.S. Agency for monitoring the food and drug administration.
Originally this method was developed for the fertilization of eggs with low fertility (i.e. low fertility), but when one of the children with further development, researchers have identified abnormalities in brain development that could cause autism, the experiments of this kind have forgotten.
By the way, babies with two DNA can be born without the participation of scientists in cases, for example, microchimerism, when the body have some amount of genetically foreign cells, which sometimes lead to abnormalities in embryonic development.
2. Bald chickens resistant to avian flu
If you love chicken wings, then this news will certainly please you: Israeli breeders brought the breed of chickens that have no feathers, which allows to reduce the costs and save time on plucking. However, as stated, the absence of feathers did not affect the taste, and to the avian flu new chickens from birth are immune.
Scientists have deduced "bald" chickens, experimenting with Golisano breed. They believe that these "birds" to raise more profitable than conventional hens.
However, tireless researchers should not forget that nature has endowed chickens with feathers not only for their beauty, but for protection from parasites-insects, adverse weather conditions and to protect the skin from the claws during mating.
3. Hypoallergenic cats and dogs
If you really want to get a dog, or a cat, but stopping you are allergic, do not worry: the company"Lifestyle Pets" offers the customers hypoallergenic Pets — cats and dogs with altered DNA. Unlike their natural counterparts, modified Pets have no natural allergens (which, by the way, four cats, and dogs — six), so they do not affect the health of the hosts.
"Improved" Pets have a significant drawback: at the price of $6950 few will be able to afford such a pleasure.
By the way, "Lifestyles Pets" are not pioneers on the market of genetically modified Pets: previously, scientists have developed another way of removing Pets from their allergic properties. Using the so-called method of "genetic silence" the researchers were able to destroy the protein responsible for the production of allergens from cats, but if you don't want to expose your beloved pet to this painful procedure, do not forget to take your Allergy medications when you play with him.
4. Tilapia
One of the world's most popular fish grown on an industrial scale, improved genetics to make tilapia more taxing and force animals to fatten faster weight — in modern fish and meat sector is a fairly common practice. But there is one feature that distinguishes tilapia from other products of genetic engineering, scientists have made it so the light appears mostly males.
The reason lies in the mechanism of protection of the offspring, existing at the tilapias, in case of danger, the female hides the eggs and fry in his mouth, while continuing to eat, not to accidentally eat children. This hunger strike can last up to a week, which negatively affects the fish growth, it is therefore better to breed of male animals that nothing prevents to put on weight.
5. Gold seahorses
If you have the money, but you are tired of boring gold-plated gadgets, jewelry and expensive cars, pay attention to unusual pet, which will emphasize the viability of its owner and this will give him many joyful moments.
Vietnamese scientists showed the world the sea horse, though composed of pure gold. For his birth had to mix some quantity of gold dust and protein from jellyfish, and then add the resulting "cocktail" caviar seahorses by the so-called "genetic shooting", which, allegedly, will find wide application in changing DNA, for example, in the treatment of diabetes. Doctors will be able to "shoot" for the cells, replacing the problematic parts of the DNA healthy.
6. Camel as a pharmacy
Dubai genetics went their own special way — they can make changes in the genetic code of some animals, to genetically modified milk, capable, according to preliminary forecasts, to cope with certain diseases.
The basic material for experiments serve camels because "ships of the desert" are unpretentious in food, resistant to diseases and adaptable to various climatic conditions.
7. Anti-malarial mosquitoes
Every year about one million people and kills one of the hardest and most dangerous in the world diseases — malaria. Not one generation of doctors grappling with the solution to this problem, and one of the last arguments in the struggle scientists believe the creation of genetically enhanced mosquitoes incapable of spreading the malaria and obligasi corresponding dominant gene. In other words, when mating the usual malarial mosquito and modified from the born offspring will block the gene responsible for malaria transmission.
Of course, there is a danger of retaliatory mutations that can neutralize the positive effect of the new gene, why in this case do not create mosquito mechanism of "genetic self-destruct" when the offspring will die before reaching sexual maturity, because now it is quite possible?
The fact is that a drastic reduction of the mosquito population will inevitably affect other links in the food chain: for example, could disappear some rare bat species for which insects and in particular mosquitoes is one of the main components of the diet.
8. Superkorovy
The first artificially extracted of a bull called Herman, he was born in Germany in 1990-m to year. Since then, science has advanced considerably and now there are various breeds of cows that are resistant to rabies, infections and do not even have horns to reduce innate tendency to "bodlivoi".
Among the breeds, born when human involvement — the famous Belgian blue. As a result of long-term experiments of plant breeders, there appeared a calf with a gene, suppresses the production of myostatin, a protein responsible for the suspension of muscle growth, so the process of nakalivanija of meat from the bull almost did not stop. The process of so-called double muscle cows allowed the new breed quickly gained popularity among farmers, and in addition to intense weight nakalivanija Belgian blue cows are renowned for low fat content in meat dishes which attract gourmets from all over the world.
9. Pork with the taste of spinach
The Japanese have bred a few pigs to help the lovers of meat to improve your diet. Genetically modified breed of pigs called the creators of the Popeye Pigs in honor of the famous character of disney cartoons — captain Popeye, who ate mostly spinach.
Scientists have introduced the pigs one of the genes of spinach, which converts the saturated fats in pork, more healthy and easily digestible unsaturated fats (linoleic acid).
Although research has yet to identify any complications in the use of genetically improved pork, irreconcilable opponents of meat eating, this product is unlikely to appeal — because you can just eat vegetables instead of reinventing the "vegetable meat".
10. Pets glowing in the dark
Have you ever heard about a luminous rabbit? Since then, as it came to light in 2000-m to year, constantly experimenting with the genetics of various animals, instilling in them the ability to emit light.
Such experiments are conducted not only with the aim to give people the opportunity to give each other funny dogs and cats: for example, the introduction of cats the gene responsible for luminescence in the dark, improves their resistance to immunodeficiency virus. Researchers have created a glowing fish to track their migration and, in addition, the doctors say that experiments with fluorescent genes will help in developing treatments for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
By the way, one of their side options for the use of the unique technology of the Japanese is the creation of extraordinarily beautiful luminous silk through the introduction of appropriate genes caterpillars-the silkworms.
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