Why should adult cats not be given milk?

If there's an affectionate meowing fluff in your house, you probably know how important it is. cat-care. However, unfortunately, not everyone takes this seriously and makes the typical mistakes of a catman.

Personally, this topic is especially relevant for me, because most of my life I spent surrounded by favorite animals. When I look at the past, I realize how often I’ve been wrong and where it might have been. But, you know, experience comes gradually.

Today I want to share my cat with you. 10 rules that are important to rememberLooking after a pet. They will help you establish contact with the animal and prevent problems.

From proper nutrition depend on the health and general condition of the animal. Someone feeds his pet exclusively natural food, and someone prefers special feeds. Experts recommend not experimenting with diet and follow a clear meal schedule.

GettyImages Special attention should be paid cat-feed. I know a man who feeds his cats exclusively dry food. However, there is an opinion that this is not worth doing. It is very important to include in the diet is wet food, which can better saturate the animal. Dry food is suitable as a snack. Do you agree with such a statement?

In addition, you should not give cat milk. Of course, kittens need mother’s milk. But when they grow up, their bodies change. As a result, the enzyme responsible for the absorption of milk is produced less. Adult cats and cats can suffer from lactose intolerance.

Agree, not all people make an annual examination. We used to go to the doctor only when something happened. Or even at the last minute. This is fundamentally wrong, and even more so should not do the same with a pet. Cats and cats need help. regular examination of the veterinarian (Ideally every six months).

GettyImages Remember that a kitten must be vaccinated at a certain age. I need a vaccination. Even if your pet is not walking outside. Also, do not ignore cat sterilization and cat castration. Thanks to these procedures, the risk of serious illness will be significantly reduced. More details about this is written in a foreign source.

Everyone knows that cats do not tolerate bathing. For an animal, water treatments are very stressful. Therefore, you should not once again expose the pet to tension. Especially since cats are very clean They do a great job of washing themselves.

Of course, there are exceptions when swimming is inevitable. In this case, it is worth remembering several nuances. First, if possible, only the part of my body that is dirty. Secondly, use it for swimming. special shampoo. Third, be prepared for the animal to become nervous and out of hand. It is best to wash your pet with someone else. You will find more detailed instructions here.

No matter how beautiful your flower garden in the apartment, a couple of green friends will have to give up. Some indoor flowers are toxic to cats and cats. For example, aloe, daffodil or azalea. Given the special interest of cats in the study of all window sills and secluded corners, you should not take another risk. After all, an animal can taste the plant.

Cats do not always behave well. But for good reason. As a rule, any deviation from the norm indicates that the animal does not like something or is not accustomed to order. Moreover, bad behavior may have more serious reasons. For example, there are cases when ignoring the tray signals health problems of the pet. Anyway, Never scold a fluffy man.. This will not bring any result, but, on the contrary, will worsen the situation.

Often owners complain that the cat spoils furniture or wallpaper with its claws. Not very experienced cats solve this problem with the help of a special procedure - complete removal of claws. Increasingly, such an operation is called inhuman and urged not to do it. In some countries, it is simply prohibited. This can lead to chronic pain in the legs, infections and other troubles.

Cats are wayward animals. Each pet is formed by its own uniquenessThe features of which must be tolerated. If you have small children, remember that they should not be left alone with a cat or cat. The child does not always understand how to handle a furry animal. The cat’s reaction is difficult to predict. It may become more aggressive or fearful.

In addition, create for the pet as much as possible. relaxation. The animal must have a place where no one will touch it. A cozy corner where the cat can retire and enjoy solitude.

GettyImages In this article we shared with you a large number of foreign sources. By studying them in detail, you can improve. cat-care And to create better conditions for the life of the fluffy. We hope we've been helpful to you!

How do you take care of your beloved pet? Maybe you have a couple of tips or little tricks. We look forward to your comments!

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