The United States launched a rocket into space with an unknown companion
The site in the area of the base of military-air forces of the United States of America, in space, was launched rocket "Atlas-5", equipped with a satellite module of a secret reconnaissance mission. It is known that a unique space the satellite was launched to space station "United Lockheed Martin", which is a subsidiary of aviation group Boeing, known worldwide for its reliable aircraft.
It is also known that the first stage of the rocket was the most powerful motor Assembly of the Russian production company "Energomash" that caused in certain circles a serious and urgent debates.
The state authorities of the United States, the resulting dispute, a decision was made on early termination of the contract for purchase of engines from Russian manufacturers, but in America, there are no analogues.
Source: globalscience.ru
It is also known that the first stage of the rocket was the most powerful motor Assembly of the Russian production company "Energomash" that caused in certain circles a serious and urgent debates.
The state authorities of the United States, the resulting dispute, a decision was made on early termination of the contract for purchase of engines from Russian manufacturers, but in America, there are no analogues.

Source: globalscience.ru
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